X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v3 Released

I have V2 installed now and that made a huge difference compared to the stock Mesh. V3 looks like it will step it up a notchor better.

I just bought the Xp version Baron and Seneca from Carenado which made me finally update XP to 10.31. I did not have time to look closely but I know it removed/changed my control settings and aparently changed my rendering settings.

I definetly like XP better than FSX as I was never able to get FSX to run smoothly. Before I get to far into building my cockpit I need to figure out if I am going with XP or P3D. Some reading leads me to believe the P3D will run decently on an older quad core such as Q6600 and higher. I am assuming that its with OC.

Anyway V3 will make the decision harder.
