X-Plane 11 update


Charter Member
X-plane 11 updated today.. Its not a large download, just a couple hundred megs that goes pretty fast.
If you have Auto-updates on, simply start the game and follow the prompts. If you dont have auto-update, start the installer and tell it to check for updates..
Pam I don't know if it's my underpowered PC or what but I don't see any real improvement in sky textures, maybe a little bit at night. I wonder if I did something wrong...
well, for sky textures, i'm not in a position to comment, as I run flywithlua and a script posted in another thread I think, that modifies the drefs. as for problems, it seems they fixed a few and made others more prominent.. One thing i have seen which seems to help with some folks is deleting the entire contents of the preferences folder ( /output/preferences ). I'm getting ready to try it myself just to see if i can break my 10 FPS barrier by doing that..
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well, for sky textures, i'm not in a position to comment, as I run flywithlua and a script posted in another thread I think, that modifies the drefs. as for problems, it seems they fixed a few and made others more prominent.. One thing i have seen which seems to help with some folks is deleting the entire contents of the preferences folder ( /resources/preferences ). I'm getting ready to try it myself just to see if i can break my 10 FPS barrier by doing that..

Yeah that is what I decided to do and loaded X-Enviro and heck my FPS came up to a blazing 18 fps! Can't upgrade for quite a while so I guess I will stick with X-Plane 10.5 for a while...but I will cross my fingers every time an update comes along see if I get lucky with 11.
sounds almost like you and I have similar machines, though i know that isnt true.. updates giving me between fifteen to twenty fps total with its usual city performance being 10 - 12 fps.. My system is cpu strangled so, i need motherboard, memory and cpu to fixthis.. SOmething this net year i will try.. tiull theen, yeahh, 10.5 os going to have to do the work..