Charter Member 2015
Ok if your looking for ammunition to feed your anti X-plane sentiment I will save you some time & tell you to read no further. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
My 1st impression is that I like it! Of course that & $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. <o
I have spent almost no time in the fixed wing aircraft, instead spending it in helos. <o
I gotta tell you, I LOVE the helo flight model! It is very reminess of FS98 being twitch & difficult to control. Just like a real helo
If you have a hard time with helo's in FS dont even bother with X-Plane! If however you have decent control you may find it an interesting step up. Once you get the hang of it you have much more control & fidelity in X-Plane. <o
While not on par with FS2004 IMO they are equal to FS2002. Ther biggest problem IMO is the talented skinners we have in FS haven’t made it to the X-Plane community. My this world could use some high quality bitmaps. <o
Autogen (or whatever its called in X-Plane) is nice & dense & adds a pleasant touch to the effect. <o
Here is where FSX is light years ahead of X-Plane! Default aircraft are much like our FS95 ones. Current aircraft available for download are much better but still not close to FSX. If your be all end all in flight sims is to look at the pretty aircraft then dont bother with X-Plane.<o
At 1st I found it clunky & cumbersome but I spent several hours last night & now a few today (Im snowed in) flying it & its becoming 2nd nature. Of course my preconceptions of how the interface should be are based on 20+yrs flying FS. To the neophyte I dont think it will be an issue. <o
I like it! Its an interesting step in another direction of flight simming. Graphics are decent & the flight model is believable. I am looking forward to digging deeper into what X-plane has to offer.
Here are just a few screen shots. <o
1) <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice:smarttags" /><st1
lace w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Ketchikan</st1:City> <st1:State w:st="on">AK</st1:State></st1
lace>, with real weather active. <o
2) <st1
lace w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Scar Creek</st1:City> <st1:State w:st="on">BC</st1:State></st1
lace>, also with real weather. <o
3) After departing Scar Creek I saw a train wiz past & like a dog with a car made chase. As I was chasing the 1st train a 2nd one came from the opposite direction... Pretty cool!
Edit: If you wondering about the white spots in pic 2 & 3 its snowing. Pic 1 is rain.
My 1st impression is that I like it! Of course that & $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. <o
I have spent almost no time in the fixed wing aircraft, instead spending it in helos. <o
I gotta tell you, I LOVE the helo flight model! It is very reminess of FS98 being twitch & difficult to control. Just like a real helo
If you have a hard time with helo's in FS dont even bother with X-Plane! If however you have decent control you may find it an interesting step up. Once you get the hang of it you have much more control & fidelity in X-Plane. <o
While not on par with FS2004 IMO they are equal to FS2002. Ther biggest problem IMO is the talented skinners we have in FS haven’t made it to the X-Plane community. My this world could use some high quality bitmaps. <o
Autogen (or whatever its called in X-Plane) is nice & dense & adds a pleasant touch to the effect. <o
Here is where FSX is light years ahead of X-Plane! Default aircraft are much like our FS95 ones. Current aircraft available for download are much better but still not close to FSX. If your be all end all in flight sims is to look at the pretty aircraft then dont bother with X-Plane.<o
At 1st I found it clunky & cumbersome but I spent several hours last night & now a few today (Im snowed in) flying it & its becoming 2nd nature. Of course my preconceptions of how the interface should be are based on 20+yrs flying FS. To the neophyte I dont think it will be an issue. <o
I like it! Its an interesting step in another direction of flight simming. Graphics are decent & the flight model is believable. I am looking forward to digging deeper into what X-plane has to offer.
Here are just a few screen shots. <o
1) <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
2) <st1
3) After departing Scar Creek I saw a train wiz past & like a dog with a car made chase. As I was chasing the 1st train a 2nd one came from the opposite direction... Pretty cool!
Edit: If you wondering about the white spots in pic 2 & 3 its snowing. Pic 1 is rain.