X-Plane in the MSFS era


Charter Member
Just some thoughts.

Recently I have considered buying MSFS due to the beautiful screen shots that have been going around. There seems to be lots of bugs and problems showing up now so I have decided to wait until all the beta testers have gotten them out of the way.

while waiting, I decided to do more flying in XP-11 and have just rediscovered how much I enjoy it instead of tinkering with settings and adding new things to it. Although, as I said, I don’t have a MSFS yet, I am still amazed at the eye candy of some of my planes (freeware as well as payware) and beautifully done scenery by the community. I have enjoyed flying to new places and new challenges the XP provides.

Just to say, X-Plane will never be deleted. Too much enjoyment here and a great community to support it.
MSFS is wellllll, MSFS. I'm of the opinion that it cant be compared to X-Plane, at all, and that isnt all good. Like I mentioned in another post, MSFS is like being married too Melania Trump. It cant cook, cant clean, cant sew, but my gods is it gorgeous.
We've accused FSX of flying on rails. Well, you aintt seen nothin yet.. FS2020 is twice as bad, but in another sense, thats good. It means the aircraft trim easily and leave you with lots of free time to simply look at everything. Setting up controls can be confusing if theres no existing profile for them ( like the VKB Gunfighter ), but if there is an existing profile, no sweat. its plug n play..
I cant see my house from here.. Why?? Because the amount of autogenerated trees even on the lowest setting, is beyond ridicules..
Would I recommend it?? Yes.. I find it relaxing because of all the work I dont have to do, that I would have to do in X-Plane. It's a perfect way to explore the world when you dont have a billion dollars to go there yourself..
Even though I don't do X-Plane (I've tried it, but found it too much hassle), allow me to comment.

MSFS is brand new, X-plane has been around for a while. As for the MSFS flight models, I find it to be a lot harder than FS9, FSX and the different iterations of P3D.

Finally, I find the comparison with Melania slightly bothering. There are a lot more beautifull women about who can't cook or whatever, but are a lot less evil.

I've got X-plane 11 and added quite a few mods to the point of being happy that it looked great and wouldn't go back to FSX or invest in P3D. That said, although I thought it was the best looking sim for a relatively low addon investment, I haven't played for a while, in part due to the development around Vulkan but also, real life and other interests.

Last week, I bought MSFS and out of the box, it's a huge leap ahead of anything else. There is still a lot of development ahead and a lot of things missing / not great that will be addressed in the future no doubt, but I'm very happy with the purchase. I'm running an i7 8700k, 16mb ram, 1070ti with the game installed on an SSD and can run on high settings and have pushed a few settings up to ultra on 1080p.

My only gripe was the hassle of setting up view controls and getting used to navigating a new platform, but I had my basic controls mastered in the first evening so I guess any new game would have that. An FSX control legacy set up would of been a nice option, but not the end of the world.

I'll probably uninstall X-Plane 11 unless something happens in the development to give it its own market niche but for someone who dips in and out and not a hard core simmer, I think MSFS is and will be enough for me.
For me MSFS is better out of the box, just speaking for me, it runs smooth and looks really good, it's not great yet, key word being "Yet", it has updating to do in many areas but will get better and better.
Downloaded from game pass for a dollar to try it. My internet inhales deeply as it took two days to download. Setting up my controls was really wonky. Trying to find where to put my addons was also confusing and to top it all off, it will not show in high def, all I get is FSX resolution.

Guess I’ll hold off until I get some decent WiFi service. Meanwhile, back to XP.
Mine took a while to download too.

I got a 1440p 144mhz 32" monitor today and can't believe I've never done this before. It seems much smoother, I thought the higher resolution would impact framerates but not so.

I also updated to 11.50 on X planes and had a quick blast in that, but without Xvision working, it seems positively dull in comparison. Not to mention I've forgot how to do the tweaking so I gave up and went back for a flight in MSFS