X-Plane --Scenery-Planes--Add-Ons--Links



Lets keep all the addon links together in one place..This way They will not get dropped or lost for others...

Feel free to post any links you find that pertain to X-Plane

This first one is pulled from srgalahad's Post...(Thanks for the links)

I've included a link to the X-Plane Freeware forum (registration is required for downloads)

Here's the links to a few aircraft and scenery websites (one note: the payware prices are certainly reasonable!)

Shad Tree Micro (aircraft) http://shadetreemicro.com/aircraft/c...les/c180j.html

ForJets http://forjets.netfirms.com/
check out the scenery link at the top of the page

Alaska and Canada (X-planes version of Misty Fjords?)

RealScenery http://www.realscenery.com/

X-Plane Airport and Navigation Data (from txnetcop)


This Will Be A Sticky Thread Once My Mod Options Are Fixed...
I bought this Piper Pack yesterday. 14 Pipers for $14.00, pretty good deal! They're not the quality of the best FSX payware, but for a buck a piece they're pretty nice. And the 3-D cockpits work with widescreen monitors.


He has other planes also. I used PayPal and had a download link within minutes.

Pulled from A poat from Loinheart

Hey guys,

They have 'alot' of ships from Halo, including the little dune buggy car, an alien drop ship, interceptor, terrain scenery, and other bits from the game Halo that you can get for XP9.

Also spotted the Serenity Firefly-class freighter there too. :d

Webpage with downloads;

About half way down is a multi-pack with several Halo vehicles in one package, then there are others in stand alone packages.


Yeah, it doesn't take much cruising around XP sites to figure out that they're a little, uh, behind the curve. Graphically, at least. Still, I'm curious to try out some more flights before being too harsh on the sim. Having a nice Texan to plow through the sky in will help.