X-plane v 11.20


Charter Member
I have the steam version which automatically updated to 11.20. Now half of the panels and especially switches and knobs have a sickly green color to them.

I have heard of many problems with this upgrade. Now that X-plane is getting more traction, they don’t need this.

off to scour the net for a fix.

I dislike this dependency on the Steam interface. Couple of times I have had FSXSE crash on me and then trying to get it rebooted can take some effort when Steam reports "FSX is still running" when clearly it is not.

Sometimes going into the Task Manager and ending all Steam instances from running will fix it. Sometimes you have to go into Steam settings and flush out their Temp folder. Grrrrrrr.

Either way it is a pain in the neck. If I could get FSXA running again under W10 I would. :banghead:
I dislike this dependency on the Steam interface. Couple of times I have had FSXSE crash on me and then trying to get it rebooted can take some effort when Steam reports "FSX is still running" when clearly it is not.

Sometimes going into the Task Manager and ending all Steam instances from running will fix it. Sometimes you have to go into Steam settings and flush out their Temp folder. Grrrrrrr.

Either way it is a pain in the neck. If I could get FSXA running again under W10 I would. :banghead:


I'm very new here. Might I ask why FSXA doesn't run under Windows 10 anymore?

Is that after a windows update or because of an uninstall of FSXA?


Try unticking the " show clickable spots" in cockpit on the main settings page. Skip

Thank you very much, that did the trick:redfire:

jeez, something I never imagined, getting involved in X-plane and not using P3D or FSX much anymore.

I'm very new here. Might I ask why FSXA doesn't run under Windows 10 anymore?

Is that after a windows update or because of an uninstall of FSXA?



It can, except in my experience it takes forever to get it installed. I sat once with a MS engineer on the phone and it took over 1 hour to get the first of the CD's up and running. Then the actual registering it took a long while. The Acceleration CD installed swiftly enough but it removed the registration for the original basic install which the MS chappy could not resolve. So I uninstalled it all. I have since learned the workaround/fix except that now I have FSXSE installed it is not possible to reinstall FSXA.