XC-47C MAAM Textures


Charter Member
Hi Fiends,
I'm searching for old Heather Sherman's Margarita Air Club textures for MAAM's XC-47C (Amphibian C-47).
These textures were uploaded only on the old Avsim Server and now they seem to be lost....

Sorry, I just checked the "normal" ones as I didn't realise you were looking for the textures for the amphibian one.

My mistake,
I am desperately looking for these textures also - please

Hi Friends,
A Big Thank You to frihjul92 & rohan for their kindness....


Good day mvg3d

I am also searching for these textures for a long time.
Did you find them - and where if I may ask.
Thank you kindly in advance
Margarita Air Club textures for MAAM's XC-47C

The links for this at MAAMSIM are not working...any other way of tracking this file down?
Ask and ye shall receive.


Mike, sp762, brought your dilemma to my attention and although I don't do repainting anymore, I still have most if not all of my old material backed up on external drives.

I did a little digging and hopefully found what you're looking for. I can't test these files as i no longer use FS9 nor do I have the MAAM-SIM DC-3 installed.

But if you want to see if these will work, I found these old Margarita Air files for the MAAM-SIM DC-3.

I uploaded them and here are the links, either in DXT-3 format or the 32-bit format.

I hope these work for you as I don't have anything else to offer.

Cheers, and happy holidays!



Back at you Pete.

It's been a rough road and I'm on my third pacemaker, but surprisingly enough I'm still kicking.

Best wishes to you and your loved ones.


P.S. I can be found these days at FSEconomy if anyone's looking for me. Just don't tell the IRS or the Mob. LOL!
Good to hear that you're wearing out those Pacemakers instead of the opposite.
Must be decades since you graced us with your presence on the Outhouse.
Keep us up to speed.
Hey Heather,

It's great to hear from you and to know you're doing well! :encouragement:

I'm still painting models and I'm still grateful for what I learned from you on the old FS2002 Duck project.

Happy Holidays to you too, and many more in the future!
