.XCA File keeps coming back....


Charter Member
I figured I should put this in a separate Thread:

My .xca is corrupt, (I believe from mucking around with the Saitek Pedals, remove/install USB Ports) and ETO will now not start. I get all the way into the game, to the flight line, am able to open the program options, see all the aircraft, missions, ect., change ERAs, the game stops when I press "Fly".... "CFS3 has stopped working". Did Restart of system to clean out any persistent processes.

I have removed the Rudder Pedals ,and deleted the .xca file from the Users\Appdata\Microsoft\ETO\ folder as well as the ViewUI file, but the .xca file keeps getting rebuilt when I star the game. What else must I do to rid my install of this .xca file? Copy a .xca file from a clean install of CFS3 to overwrite it ? I did a 'Search' of SOH on this topic with no results.

Thanks for any help--
So are you saying with the rudder pedals removed the xca is re appearing with an erroneous build? Have you tried replacing it in the appdata folder with an xca from another install?
You probably have an .xca file in your root of your main install from which the appdata file is being rebuit. Try editing the main install's xca file to your desired settings?

The only .xca file in my main ETO folder is the default Flight Simulator.xca. When I start ETO, under Control Options, 3 Configurations are displayed: CFS3, Flight Simulator and my custom-WWII Fighter. Under WWII Fighter, the Rudder Pedals are no longer listed. I can't understand where the WWII Fighter .xca is coming from--it is not in my C:\Owner's\dir, any C:\Microsoft Games\dir. ??
So if you delete ALL from the Appdata folder and disconnect you joystick, throttle, etc. and re configure ( I keep the old appdata folder for copying in my personal config file after initial re config), does the WWII Fighter .xca re appear?
I deleted ALL the files from the Owners\dir but not the default folders (which are empty). I have remove ALL of my CH input devices, but when I restart EOH, under Control Options, my custom config (WWII Fighters) is still there, minus the devices. The .xca file does not get replaced into the Owners\dir b/c I can not get the game to "Fly".
So to clarify; you can't even get the sim to start; or it crashes to desktop; b4 you get to the QC page?
Sorry for confusion; No I can get all the way into ETO, the pilot on the flight line, have full access to the Game Options in the upper RT corner, have full access to the aircraft, missions locations, ect in the lower LF corner, can change ERAs-The game seems to run fine until I click "Fly", then get the 'grey' error box "Microsoft Combat Flight 3 has stopped working." Checked all suspect files for editing errors.
What is really goofy, in the Control Options, I see 3 Configurations listed: CFS3, Flight Simulator, and my custom WWII Fighters.xca Flight Simulator is the ONLY .xca I can find (non in Owners\dir) since I can not get the game to fly.
I have deleted the WWII Fighters.xca and it will not exit the game ? The Flight Simulator.xca is only in the main game dir of ETO and my CFS3 install and both are identical.
So in your Appdata folder you also see 3 xca files? If you do, have you tried deleting all but the CFS3.xca file and then trying again?
I am still unsure why, with no exterior controls, and only CFS3.xca, this sould make you crash out of CFS3? I';ve had similar but not the same issues in the past and it's infuriating!:banghead:
Someone else any ideas?
XCA Files

Here are the XCA files. The only XCA file in my Appdat file is the CFS3.xca

Thanks for and any help-


    2.2 KB · Views: 0
  • CFS3.zip
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Custon XCA config issues...

I was having issues with my custom .xca config file having duplicate button and axis assignments, causing the CFS3 engine to crash. After another clean install of ETO 1.5 and installing my CH input devices, it was happening again :banghead:
(Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot)!

It finally occurred to Einstein here, that one must close the Control Center after EACH input device is programed, then reopen it in Game Options-or the custom config will not be saved and the settings will get corrupted between the input devices. Why was that sooo hard ?

This may save someone hours of frustration, marital strife, a visit from the ASPCA, local Law Enforcement, or potential substance abuse.

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Gald that worked although still wondering why as I had no trouble with my Saitek X55. I assume it's because you have 2 different devices as you said. The custom config you are referring to is the xca file?
Yeah mongoose, that is correct. I can not explain it. Trying to save button assignments (custom .xca files) to more than one input device without closing the Control Center (for lack of better term) in CFS3 between each, caused the problems. The button assignments would not get saved properly and would get cross-configured between all the CH devices.
BTW, on the chance my Saitek pedals were defective, I bought a new set of CH pedals-the results were the same until I applied said fix. (I hated to spend the $$, but ETO crashed after I installed them, had been working prior)
Now my ETO 1.5 is up and running, all CH devices work as programed.

Thanks to all for your input and replies-