xml for add on ships


Flight Sim Junkie
So I moved all my airplanes, helis and boats outside of my p3d v4 set-up and added a xml file to activate the folders. I see all the aircraft and helis in p3d and see ship traffic but I can't get the Nimitz to show up using ai carriers. I'm not sure if it's ai carriers, the Nimitz model, or my xml in p3d that's the problem. ai carriers seems to work ok for some ships but no go for the Nimitz. Here's my xml:

<SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on">
<AddOn.Description>Aircraft by OtherSources</AddOn.Description>

Any help would be appreciated, I have an itch to land on a carrier. :very_drunk:

Never mind, helps if the boats are actually in the folder :dizzy:

Does that impy that Ai-Carriers is working properly in P3Dv4 ??
And if so: are you using the Original JAVA version, or the .NET version of AI-Carriers ??

Hi Rob, I am using the original version and it seems to be working ok although I did have a ctd when I tried to delete some ships last night. I need to look into that. I just activated it yesterday and haven't had much time to tinker with it yet. Anyone know of how to find out what the various models of the Nimitz are about. It would be great if there were pictures somewhere referencing each model.

Hi Rob, Well having said all that, I went and did some research on the .NET version and installed that one based on some advantages that I read about. Seems to work about the same but I did not have any ctd when deleting a formation.

Anyone know of how to find out what the various models of the Nimitz are about. It would be great if there were pictures somewhere referencing each model.
Each different model is a different deck configuration, or set up. All the different versions have a brief description in the AICarriers menu. Empty Deck, Port Call, Recovery, and so on. The only way I know of to get a picture of them all is to load each one, take a screen-shot and place them someplace easy to access. Make a folder on your desktop and place them all in it, so you can look at them quickly and easily, for example.

Seems to work about the same but I did not have any ctd when deleting a formation.
Actually, the functionality is identical between the two versions. The big advantage the .NET version has is that it uses much fewer computer resources. It seems a bit more reliable, as well, not staying loaded after the sim closes, not crashing the sim, ect.

Does that impy that Ai-Carriers is working properly in P3Dv4 ??
And if so: are you using the Original JAVA version, or the .NET version of AI-Carriers ??

I'm pretty sure it does, Rob. Never heard anything to the contrary, yet. Nothing in Orion's FSDT forum thread on it, anyway.
As a side note, Paddles has vLSO updated and working in P3Dv4 now, as well, if you like to be abused by rotten, bad-humored, AI LSO's :D

Enjoy all!