XML Merge editor


Charter Member
Does anyone know of a free tool that will compare and merge .xml files? I had one years ago on my old system that was excellent for comparing my effects.xml from different installs but am unable to find something similar...thanks.
The only one I ever tried is called Winmerge, and can be found at Winmerge.org.

As I recall, it will display two files side-by-side, highlighting differences.

I haven't used it in awhile, and don't even have it installed on my new rig, but I think it worked.

Hope this helps.
I use Winmerge, its very useful. In fact if you have any ambitions to try new xml/xdp files, then IMHO its essential to use something like Winmerge! Thats how you learn what is being achieved with a new sounds.xml or whatever. In fact its helped pick up a number of minor errors in well established add-ons like ETO.