Charter Member
Just found this wonderful tool. It sorts xml tags alphabetically. So it allows the effects.xml to be put in alphabetic order at the push of a button.
Why is this useful? Because the large effects.xml usually has repeat elements which are identical - possibly a hangover from when CFS3 was originally being compiled.
It is tricky to find duplicate effects because so many effects have a long and complex name, often differing from another effect name by one character.
Once I've sorted the effects xml I use an xml editor like XMLEd or "Firstobject XML Editor" to view the file, because the window in the sorter is a bit small. It is much easier to spot the duplicates if "tree view" is enabled - Firstobject has this feature as no doubt do other xml editors.
This exercise started when I re-found Major Magee's version of the ETO Effects xml which he has very kindly provided in another thread - don't remember which one. It has all his gunsights added. So to test the new sorter I used his xml file, and found initially a bunch of duplicate effects starting with the tag "bullet_impact_ ......". I suspect they are entries from the stock Effects.xml, which have ported over to the effects.xml file in other installs like MAW, RS, ETO etc.
There are a couple of issues with tidying up you effects.xml file. One is that all the useful tags (eg. Daniel's effects, O-1 Drivers Effects) become useless as the contributor's entries are alphabetised along with every other effects entry. The other is that some of the duplicate entries have the same name, but different subgroups (ie Effect0, Effect1, Effect2 etc). So it becomes a matter of judgement as to which of the duplicate pair to keep.
Presumably when two effects are called the same, CFS3 randomly decides which one to give effect to at the appropriate moment in the game (eg when a gas tank catches fire).
All that aside, the XML sorter is a great tool and I should update the Knowledgebase sticky post about how to sort the effects.xml.
happy flying,
Why is this useful? Because the large effects.xml usually has repeat elements which are identical - possibly a hangover from when CFS3 was originally being compiled.
It is tricky to find duplicate effects because so many effects have a long and complex name, often differing from another effect name by one character.
Once I've sorted the effects xml I use an xml editor like XMLEd or "Firstobject XML Editor" to view the file, because the window in the sorter is a bit small. It is much easier to spot the duplicates if "tree view" is enabled - Firstobject has this feature as no doubt do other xml editors.
This exercise started when I re-found Major Magee's version of the ETO Effects xml which he has very kindly provided in another thread - don't remember which one. It has all his gunsights added. So to test the new sorter I used his xml file, and found initially a bunch of duplicate effects starting with the tag "bullet_impact_ ......". I suspect they are entries from the stock Effects.xml, which have ported over to the effects.xml file in other installs like MAW, RS, ETO etc.
There are a couple of issues with tidying up you effects.xml file. One is that all the useful tags (eg. Daniel's effects, O-1 Drivers Effects) become useless as the contributor's entries are alphabetised along with every other effects entry. The other is that some of the duplicate entries have the same name, but different subgroups (ie Effect0, Effect1, Effect2 etc). So it becomes a matter of judgement as to which of the duplicate pair to keep.
Presumably when two effects are called the same, CFS3 randomly decides which one to give effect to at the appropriate moment in the game (eg when a gas tank catches fire).
All that aside, the XML sorter is a great tool and I should update the Knowledgebase sticky post about how to sort the effects.xml.
happy flying,