XMLs and CABs


Charter Member
Hey all,
Quick question about modifying xml and cab files. I found modding xml files easy enough but when I want to put it back in the cab file it won't let me. I only ask because I was trying to fix an airspeed indicator; it says it was in mph but was going in kts. As mentioned it was just a matter of replacing one word in the xml file from 'knots' to 'mph'; just trying to get that put into a cab file has completely eluded me. I was also thinking of taking the other bitmap files, copying them and putting those files along with the modded xml file together in a cab file but again I have no idea how to make a cab file. Any ideas?

addendum: I still don't know how to make a cab file but it seems that putting the xml file with the instrument bitmaps in a regular file seems to do the job. Who knew?
Pretty much all a .cab file is is a renamed zip file. Use winzip to zip up the folder, then rename it to .cab. Works for me.
There's a file inside your root FS9 folder called cabdir.exe that will do exactly what you want. Just put all the files into a folder, then drag that folder onto the app. It will take the folder and automatically compress it into .cab format.

EDIT: The output cab filename will be the same name as the input folder.

Thats good to know, I'd been using some convoluted work around posted somewhere to get CAB files that FS will read, oddly not all CAB files are CAB files, some just will not work in FS ?.


There's a file inside your root FS9 folder called cabdir.exe that will do exactly what you want. Just put all the files into a folder, then drag that folder onto the app. It will take the folder and automatically compress it into .cab format.

EDIT: The output cab filename will be the same name as the input folder.
Wow. I've been trying to solve this issue for the longest time, and I had the solution all the time. Now I can save some HD space by converting some of the folders in the gauge file to actual .cab format.

Thanks a bunch. :ernae:


Thats good to know, I'd been using some convoluted work around posted somewhere to get CAB files that FS will read, oddly not all CAB files are CAB files, some just will not work in FS ?.



Hi Michael
Ive found that 3d party cab software cause's slow gauge loading when you get over a certain file size.The ver that comes with the FSX sdk is the best for speed and works with older fs ver.What Ive done is added the Cabdir.exe to the send to menu,so its just a simple 2 click process.
To do this (under XP should be the same for vista)

1: goto the folder that Cabdir.exe is in,by default the fsx one is in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\SimObject Creation Kit\Cabdir SDK\Cabdir.exe

2:Make a shortcut to the file

3:click on the startmenu then run, type in sendto then hit enter

4: Drag and drop the shortcut you made in step 2 into the sendto folder

now when your ready to cab a sub folder, just right click onto the folder then send to,select cabdir from the list. It will cab the folder and the cab file will be in the main folder (ie the panel folder)
Wozza, hadn't been using the 'send to' function but think I'll set one up right away, I'd been using the set up detailed in this thread at A2A.


All other cab compilers like you say had all sorts of problems, I think I've got the FSx cabdir, not sure how you check which version you actually have, of course I should know as I put it there, but as is so often in life, if its more than 10 mins ago its a lost memory :).

