

Charter Member
Beta 6 is out.

Here is the new Stuff for 9.30 Beta 6:
Track-IR should run smoother.
Prop-sync command fixed, but props gotta be within a mere 50 rpm for it to WORK perfectly!
Nosewheel tiller should have a 10% nullzone
A bit more tuning on the thrust-reverse joystick axis... They should be just like airliners now!
Various 'throttle with pitch, roll and yaw' options, as you can set in Plane-Maker, now work for engines offset at any angle.. so you can build little puffer-engines at all angles now to maneuver your plane!
new commands: sim/radios/RMI_L_to and sim/radios/RMI_R_tog to toggle the RMI VOR/NDB sources.
Various little bug-fixes.

Thanks for the heads up VCN-1.


I am probably going to back up mine before I install the updates, just in case.
