Yak-11 sounds


Charter Member 2014
Hey, all! I'm usually pretty good at figuring this stuff out, but I am dragging Pavel Karasek's beautiful little Yak-11 out from my storage hangar and I am at a loss for what kind of sound file I should use in it. maybe one of you sound hounds out there might have a suggestion?

Try some of Lawdog's sounds, i use his soundpack for SBD Dauntless, you can also try his packs for La-7, or FW-190, those are not proper sounds, but looking at youtube videos, for me at least, they sound more similar to Yak-11 than to T-6
Be careful while looking for sounds on youtube though; This one may look like an FW-190, but the engine is a Russian Ash-82: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1bXBrnGsaA

This 'Yak-3U' Looks like a single-seat Yak-11, but the engine is an R-1820: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCP03wWxoD4

The Yak-11 had an Ash-21 seven cylinder radial, which basically was half an Ash-82, which in turn was a license-built R-1820!

As far as I can tell these two may still have the Original Ash-21 engines: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9GKBUGB1oo

Looking around for a loud seven cylinder radial soundpack but haven't found a good one yet..
For the Yak11, i use an An2 (ASH-62 engine) soundset although this is also a license-built R1820 it sounds quite different, a bit more full-bodied than a Yak11 I suppose but quite good. Dauntless or Brewster Buffalo - in fact any plane powered by early R1820 - should also be fine.

Thanks for all the good input. I'll be going on a search mission in to my sound file collection.

Have a great one!
