well, whatever your virtual cockpit source is and you cant get it to show up in the Yak-15, the problem will be rather a missing / wrong named cockpit M3D file.
if that would a be missing tetxure problem, you would see the model ingame, just untextured.
the virtual cpit just should match the airplane model. eg. for "my_plane.m3d" would it be "my_plane_cockpit0.m3d". thats the base logic.
there is a few another factors which may cause your ingame VC issue, but I woud start to check with thats described above
Ended up using the P-80 cockpit and it now works fine. Something is missing in my ETO install.Installed effects textures , share / aircraft files and more from my Korea install. Not a accurate cockpit but still is a fun aircraft. Will go good against the Luft '46 aircraft. Many thanks...
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