Yak-28 Brewer/Firebar anywhere?


Charter Member
Anyone out there know if there is a Yak-28 Brewer/Firebar available? Have nearly every Cold-War period aircraft in the FS9 hanger but this bird is
still a 'hold-out'. Awhile back was some mention of one in the works but danged if I can find any links.....

(If you ask 'what's a Yak-28.?'........please check here)

Fly High.. Punch Holes in the Sky
Rubberlegs, I'm afraid the only Yak-28 available is the old AlphaSim bird which is very old and incompatible with FS9. If there's a newer version available, maybe from one of the Russian sites, I'd like to know about it too. I drew a blank on the search I did.
Thanks for the help with a few links, fellas! The Yak-28 is a rather 'odd-bird' so I know the chances are slim for one to appear for FS9 now that FSX is out and about. Was just throwing the line out to see if there were any nibbles....!

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky