Yak, Yak, Yak....

Hmmm... No FS9 flyiers, heh?

Here's the latest tail dragger in a new converted FSX repaint by gajit.



Is this Alphasim Yak any good? I know very little about it....

from the exteriour and interiour modelling very good and the expansion pack which is available from Alphasim for $10 USD does bring variants with spinner and retractable gear and 3 bladed variants
only short come is maybe the flightmodell which is OK but it could be lot better

Best Regards
Is this Alphasim Yak any good? I know very little about it....
I like it a lot, specially after the release of the Expansion pack. And there are some nice repaints now available, some you can convert from FSX.


I think AS did a very good job on this one. There are several models including tricycle and tail wheel versions. The flight dynamics, models, sounds, VC panel and gauges are well done, and have little FPS impact on my older machine.

yakitalia FS9 Version should be ready today evening or sooner only minor things left to do:jump:
tomorow I will release the FSX version of the paint

Best Regards
great shots WarHorse,
I especially like shot one+two

please redownload the paint since I found out that I forgotten the bumps for more realistic fuselange look

Best Regards