Yamato in the water..


G'day all,it's been a little while since I updated on this things progress but I finally have a ship in game for function testing as I go along..I am however beginning to run into the issue of "am I going to be able to export the ship with a full compliment of operational guns?",the gmax export .dle file has an available 49 gunstations (eg: gun_grp49b0 etc..),and unsurprisingly this ship has more that..would any one know of a possible work around?,or will I have to bite the bullet (or 18in shell in this case..) and put in place guns that don't function?..I am considering modifying the .dle file but this would be very trial and error and may not work,the other option is to attempt to link two or three guns into a group (or animate using bones?..),but again new territory for me and may be unworkable..any thoughts would be appreciated.. As an aside,was saddened to hear of Talons passing,he was one of the first people to give me feedback regarding my mogami class ships and I was looking forward to his opinions of this one..RIP mate..



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gun stations

it really depends upon how you name them. Say the forward 18s are all one gungrp, say 0, then the same for the others. Your 20mm, small caliber etc can also get grouped together in a way that makes sense. say starboard aft, bow. mid ships etc. You could get many firing guns this way, several hundred actually - just use your imagination.
it really depends upon how you name them. Say the forward 18s are all one gungrp, say 0, then the same for the others. Your 20mm, small caliber etc can also get grouped together in a way that makes sense. say starboard aft, bow. mid ships etc. You could get many firing guns this way, several hundred actually - just use your imagination.

I love that ship...looks very impressive. IIRC the stock german flakcar (the rail car with 4 37mm flak guns) is an example of linked gunstations. I think when you traverse one of them in m3d view, the other linked one traverses too. Might be imagining this :pop4:
Timely to bump this thread. How is progress, liquidchicken??? Huh? having the stupendous German aircraft carrier has whetted my appetite for large capital ships :biggrin-new: