I just have to say that the C152 is one of the default aircraft I've flown most (at least top three, with the X Cub and Cirrus), going all the way back to alpha testing, and I still take it out almost weekly. Especially if I just have 10-15 minutes to spare, it's one of my go-to aircraft to do pattern work. One of my FB friends, who flies and maintains Mustangs, Corsairs and P-40s, recently shared a photo from some flying he was doing in a C172, and he commented about how much fun it actually was for him, with a type he hadn't really flown much since flight school. Another friend of mine, who spent years flying for the Collings Foundation, flying the B-17, B-24, and P-51C, still gets just as much if not more enjoyment flying his personal Piper Cub. I've flown the Hornet from time to time, and I've flown the Airbus a few times, though aircraft like that I'm never fully comfortable with since I've never taken the time to be knowledgeable about all of their workings (but, as long as an aircraft is in my virtual hangar, I like to make use of them). It really is no surprise the airports that are the most popular, since airliner fans seem to have always made up the majority of the flight sim user base. You can tell just by what repaints are always the most downloaded. I've also noticed how a couple of the MSFS payware airport developers I follow on Facebook, when they've taken polls as to whether they should develop more of the big intl. airports or focus more on regional airports, the amount of people in favor of the big intl. airports always overpowers those who would be more interested in the smaller regional airports. I have done one flight out of LAX in MSFS (using the Airbus), but I haven't even flown near the other two airports listed - as mentioned earlier in this thread, the typical aircraft I fly don't usually fly in/out of airports like those.