Yellow Peril


A.F. Scrub has rebuilt Steven Grant's FS2002 Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3 "Yellow Peril" for FS9 and FSX.

It's available at SimV and

He used one of my paints with it, depicting one of the last biplanes in U.S. military service, an N3N assigned to the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1960.

I have also repainted that model as U.S. Navy trainers in pre-WW2 and mid-1943 markings, and in pre-war U.S. Coast Guard markings. I thought I'd released them all, but when I went to get the links to post here, the only one I could find at is the one A.F. used. I'll get the others zipped up sometime today or tomorrow and post them. Only the external textures are retained, the rest of the textures have changed, so it's not just a matter of using intact texture folders; a bit of copying, mixing and matching is indicated.

I've really missed this plane in GW3. Like so many others, it lost its prop in FS9. I'm really glad to see it back on the flight line!

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I just uploaded a paint pack that includes Navy N3N-1s marked to the standards of 1939, 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1960.

The 1960 one is the same paint that Scrubby included in his release, but this version is much improved. I've gotten better at this since I made that original paint back around 2003 or so.

I couldn't do the Coast Guard paint that I mentioned above; a mapping glitch on the rudder makes it impossible. But that's OK, since I don't believe the Coast Guard operated the N3N on floats. They just had a few on wheels that they used for orientation flights for prospective pilot trainees, to make sure they had some sort of aptitude for flying before they signed them up and shipped them off to Pensacola for Navy flight school. If Scrubby makes an N3N on wheels I'll ask him to fix the rudder mapping so we can have that paint.
If Scrubby makes an N3N on wheels I'll ask him to fix the rudder mapping so we can have that paint.
Mick, pls suggest to Scrubby that a wheeled version of the N3N would be a good companion to the floater. :)
Yes a wheeled version would do it for me. A friend of mine owns one. Has a 450 P&W on it. Used to be a crop duster and had the wings squared off. He restored it very nicely. Custom paint job. Many of you may have seen it at Oshkosh
over the last decade.
I've been in touch with Scrubby and he said he's working on the wheeled version, and he's going to fix the mapping on the rudder so it can wear the Coast Guard livery.
Discovered a couple more mapping issues on the floatplane.

Scrubby's modified the model, and now I have to modify all the paints.

Maybe I'll get a chance to work on them this evening.

When I'm finished I'll upload a whole new package.
Is it just me...or are the lower engine cylinders kind of wonkie? I was tweaking the engine texture to make the radial look like a radial should...and noticed that the lower cylinders were hollow...sides but no fronts.

I just uploaded here and to FlightSim version 2 of A.F. Scrub's new Naval Aircraft Factory N3N floatplane. It's in the FSX section, but it's for both FS9 and FSX. Compared with version 1 that was on FlightSim and SimV yesterday, version 2 fixes some texture mapping issues, adds specular gloss, corrects the lights, and adds several paints by moi.

Hmmm... I didn't notice those cylinders...
Thank you Mick for your repaints! Just D/Led the v2. Really enjoy them all. Wow. He did a great job of updating the aircraft to FS9. Thanks again. Been flying the CG version up in Alaska

Two things:

I just uploaded a sound pack for the N3N..based on John Terrell's recordings of a Contenintal 9 radial engine in a 40s era Stearman. Tweaked to have water sounds during take off and landing. May not be close to the real sound of an N3N...but since I don't know of a single person who can say that they have heard a real N3N, I don't anyone will know the difference.

Secondly...when I fly the N3N, I keep getting "messages" that my heading indicator is off. I hit the key command to reset it...and as soon as I change direction, I get the same message and have to reset my heading indicator. How can I fix that?


Oh, the N3N sound pack was uploaded to the FS2004 Other section of the library here. Will upload to as well.
Well, at first I thought Scrubby had updated Steven Grant's FS2002 model, but now I realize that he built a whole new model. He just mapped it so that it would take my old textures, although it's not just a simple drag'n'drop to use them. There were new bits added to the main external texture files, and some whole new files.

I'd like to say it was my intent to show a single aircraft as it progressed through the various markings standards, and that's pretty much how it came out, but in fact I was just too lazy to change the fuselage number and serial number for each paint. As it was, I had to remake all the markings; the originals were very lo-res and pixelish, but that was all I knew how to do back in 2002. So I just started with one paint, brought it up to date, then made copies and changed only the insignia.

This whole thing came up just when David and I are trying to finish up our P-59, so Scrubby sort of caught me off guard. He knows he's always welcome to use my paints, but he didn't realize that those ones really needed to be reworked.

Tim, I don't know anything about gauges, so I can't fathom a possible cure for that indicator.