Yet another scenery question


Charter Member 2012
Well done everyone involved in the update for ETO. It is an outstanding piece of work and thank you! The effects mean the immersion is so much greater that whilst flying a mission I no longer want to push X just in case I miss something! My computer though is having trouble dealing with the scenery (it is rather old!). It seems to turn the trees and buildings white. I tried replacing it with a earlier version of Johno's scenery which works fine. The only trouble I had though is some of the arifields in Europe were covered in snow at the height of summer and were a lush green or a confused mess in the depths of winter. I tried lowering the resolution with the resolution swapper but this seems to make little difference. Any suggestions would be greatly received! Looking forward to the incendiary effect any chance it could be added to a Heinkel/Dornier/Junkers for those of us who like the BoB era?

One final question.. I have been researching my family history over the last few months and was given some old photos of my Gran's realtives from my Dad. One of them included a gentleman dressed in a uniform. Can anyone tell me if this is a RFC or RAF uniform? Im not certain who he is but it was quite interesting to see!