Still though, faith plays a major roll
Do believe( If anyone gets the opportunity) to watch an old B+W Flick, it's a talkie, but only by a couple years
"A Christmas Carol" with Allstair Sim, as good old Ebanezzer Scrooge
That Movie is the best . . BAH HUMBUG . .Ever Made
My sister, a lawyer, and then a judge ( But she feels, Lord Obama, was found in a basket, floating on the Chicago River ) other than that, she's no crackpot. Although she won't admit it publicly. Privately she will swear on a bible, that when she was 7, that would make me 2, sooo leave me out of this one. She saw Santa Claus, in a third floor, railroad flat in lower Manhattan with no chimmney, however there was a nine foot Christmas Tree in the kitchen, along with milk and cookies on the table.
The Mind is a powerful thing
I'm still trying to figure out, where in the name of all that's holy, he managed to find a parking spot for his Sliegh and eight raindeer