You believe it, or you don't

No prizes for guessing

No prizes for guessing where I stand on this one!!!!
Timely reminder!
"You believe it, or you don't"
No. Obviously you are a believer only if you buy this sticker :icon_lol:

"Keep Christ in Christmas"
Well seeing the Christmas advertisements and all this "dancing around the golden calf" it should be remembered, ok. However from an archeologist's view december 24th was the birthday of King Mithras, and only adapted

"Combines silent evangelization with fundraising"
Everytime i see such a sticker i feel much more evangelized .. :icon_lol:

..... hey guy's, its snowing Over Flanders Field.

Believe in what your heart tells you, whatever it is, that's what is most important.

Wow Camel, that's a really nice card!! :)

I think I'll start a new thread....

It is quite simple......FAITH.

When time, the great leveler of all people comes to call on me, I know where mine lies. Christ will defeinitly be in my Christmas celebrations, whether I buy a sticker or not.
Well at least they dont burn heretics nowadays.. but it's still much the same ..

they've found a giant black hole in the centre of our galaxy... I wonder if its christmas there!:173go1:
"Keep Christ in Christmas"
Well seeing the Christmas advertisements and all this "dancing around the golden calf" it should be remembered, ok. However from an archeologist's view december 24th was the birthday of King Mithras, and only adapted


uhhh, Mithras was a heroe, not a King. Anyway, the story is that Mithras fought the evil. He was assisted by a dog (loyalty) and the evil (presented by a bull) had a snake as assistant.
At last, after many hours of fighting, Mithras killed the bull, and his dog the snake.
This was a very popular believe under the Roman soldiers.

It's my opinion that new religions always take over customs from old ones, to be less shocking and thus sooner accepted. In the Roman empire christmas came in place of the birth of Mithras and in the North European countries it replaced the mid-winter celebration (or: the return of the sun, which is at the 21th of december).
It's actually quite logical, and I even think Mithras=Jezus Christ=Sun in this case. They all defeated the evil (Bull=human sins=darkness) and all represent the good.
Still though, faith plays a major roll
Do believe( If anyone gets the opportunity) to watch an old B+W Flick, it's a talkie, but only by a couple years

"A Christmas Carol" with Allstair Sim, as good old Ebanezzer Scrooge

That Movie is the best . . BAH HUMBUG . .Ever Made
My sister, a lawyer, and then a judge ( But she feels, Lord Obama, was found in a basket, floating on the Chicago River ) other than that, she's no crackpot. Although she won't admit it publicly. Privately she will swear on a bible, that when she was 7, that would make me 2, sooo leave me out of this one. She saw Santa Claus, in a third floor, railroad flat in lower Manhattan with no chimmney, however there was a nine foot Christmas Tree in the kitchen, along with milk and cookies on the table.
The Mind is a powerful thing

I'm still trying to figure out, where in the name of all that's holy, he managed to find a parking spot for his Sliegh and eight raindeer
