I seem to recall my replica cost more than that!Hello,
wait, i can make some err i mean i have some original ones lying around, i mean i found them in the attic ... each 50 $ i'd say. Deal ?
wait, i can make some err i mean i have some original ones lying around, i mean i found them in the attic ... each 50 $ i'd say. Deal ?
After you add up all the money from your sox drawer, to buy that authentic Blue Max, so that you can wear it, while strutting around you living room.
You can't do any proper strutting without the proper music. Plus most of us can't afford the $1,750 for the medal.
What we need is a good Prussian Military March Tune. Did they ever write a concherto for the Tuba ?
That was awesome WF2! I've never seen anyone play a tuba like that. I think I'll stick with the bass that has strings. I never could get into an instrument that I had to blow on.