YS-11 systems...


Charter Member
I'm sure at least some here are familiar with Allied FS Group's "NAMC YS-11" (Version 2.7).

It's a fairly high fidelity simulation of the Japanese twin turboprop aircraft, and has seen numerous accolades in years past.

The majority of the aircraft's systems are simulated, with one exception....the electrical systems panel. For now, users have to map Battery/Alternator, Generator, and Avionics master switch systems to a joystick or keyboard control when using this plane.
As can be seen when one downloads the YS-11 and takes a peek in the panel folder, the bitmap for the electrical panel (titled "electric") is actually complete.

Is it possible to add the appropriate switches, lights, and gauges to this bitmap to create an electrical system for this aircraft? I'm sure adding switches to the VC is out of the question, but it seems possible with the 2D pop-up since the bitmap is complete.

You'll need to edit the 2d panel.cfg by adding another
[window] section

and adding gauges etc using the x,y co-ordinates of the bitmap youre using.

You'll need to download a copy of the panels sdk (from here ---> http://files.fsnordic.net/Flight_Simulator/Miscellaneous/SDK/) from Microsoft, then a little light reading and you should be away.....remembering to match the
section in the aircraft.cfg with your desired switches!

Hope this helps

