Note quite aligned yet lewis, just finnished texturing them. i'll send update to you as soon as possible,Jaycee I see you added your new gun barrels to the P-51. Were you able to align theses?
Yes you are correct G. but all i can do is add to the model as loadouts, i cant make holes in it as i have not got the gmax source. the stock model has nothing at all on the wings. so this is the next best thing. i have tried painting them on in photoshop but it does not look so good. and and anyway its a request from lewis,Not trying to be a spoilfun here but didn't the P-51B have its guns inside the wing, recessed in openings on the leading edge?
Hi O C. i am a bit busy just now, but as soon as i have a bit of time i will get back to you on this,and we will get it sorted for you.Think you can make those for the P-38J?
The "J" was givin the 5" rocket trees in CFS3 yet those were available only for the later "L" models and on.
I tried to mount the Bazooka tubes on the "J", but it puts them on the inboard bomb rack instead of the outer wing.
The "J" was givin the 5" rocket trees in CFS3 yet those were available only for the later "L" models and on.
GREAT! I won't feel so bad using them on my "J" then.Rockets were first tested on the P-38G-15-LO in the the United States, and then kits for rocket projectiles were rushed overseas for field installation on the P-38J models. The first of these was a twin-pack. Each pack was a three-tube launcher mounted close to the fuselage nacelle for a total of six tubes. These fired a 4.5-inch spin-stabilizing rocket from each tube. Nearly a thousand of these paired launchers were sent to the field, but evoked something less than enthusiasm on the part of the pilots using them because of severe interruption with the airflow.
One P-38G-15-LO model was tested carrying four of these launching-tube packages (including tubes beneath the wings outboard of the engines).
The final production item for rocket launching, which became standard on the L as a factory item, and as a retrofit for many J aircraft in the field (the major type finally adopted for the J series in field modification), was the so-called Christmas Tree launcher, which mounted five rockets in a stepped-down cluster beneath each wing.
To be historically accurate, I think the J model could be equipped with either rocket system.
Not trying to be a spoilfun here but didn't the P-51B have its guns inside the wing, recessed in openings on the leading edge?
these rockets have been used in the MTO.
Here is a picture of a Razorback fittied with some of them in the MTO in 1944 (sorry, not a good quality one but I'll try to scan the same one with a higher quality):
by the way, great work Jaycee!!