Zlin Z137T



I've recently upgraded one of my AI aircraft to a flyable one, adding a real simple VC and some exterior details. Those in favor of flying the agro turbo can get it here.:ernae:
Before anyone asks about albatros:), I have to say it's going to be finished sometime not soon, as I'm too busy:help:
Cheers Vitek:czechrepublic:
I've recently upgraded one of my AI aircraft to a flyable one, adding a real simple VC and some exterior details. Those in favor of flying the agro turbo can get it here.:ernae:
Before anyone asks about albatros:), I have to say it's going to be finished sometime not soon, as I'm too busy:help:
Cheers Vitek:czechrepublic:

Boy, that sure looks great for a "simple VC" :jump:
Wow - just found this aircraft
we had a few working down here (short airframe life)

Awesome! Love all types of Zlin aircraft, have several hours in a real 526F Trener Master.

Thanks very much for this Ag plane.

Cheers! Mike :ernae: