Zoom out/in commands


Charter Member 2015
Just installed CFS3 (and recommended patches) and checking the various commands.
On my system XP SP3 the zoom in command works and finally I am behind the cockpit but when I try the zoom out ] it does not work as I stay with the same window.

See attached screen shot

Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance
AFAIU you are using "move eyepoint forward/backward" instead of "zoom in/out", so your eye physically goes backward in the fuselage, instead of your field of view enlarging while the eyepoint stays in the cockpit.
Try to edit controls ingame to see what the shortcut for zoom is.

Hope it helps.
:kilroy:Emile, in that pic, you're in Player/Target View. Press F4 to cycle back to Virtual Cockpit View.

This may help:

Viewing Keystrokes:

P: Pauses/unpauses the sim.

T: Cycles through TAC categories, All, Aircraft,Vehicles, etc.

Tab: Cycles through enemies on present TAC screen category.

F3: Put you inside (VC)/outside(HUD) the cockpit.

F4: Cycles through Spot View, Chase View, Target/Player View, and Virtual Cockpit View.

Ctrl + Shift + F4: Only when in Player/Target View, toggles Target/Payer View (still reads as Player/Target View onscreen). Doing it again while in Target/Player View sets it back to Player/Target View.

F5: Toggles HUD on/off.

F6: Puts player back in the pilot's seat from other stations.

F7: Bombsight View.

F8: Cycles through Gunners' stations.

F9: Bomb/Rocket View, F4 returns.

Shift + F6: Gives Float View, F4 returns.

Shift + F9: Gives Flyby View, F4 returns.

Shift + D: Toggles text (down the middle top of the screen) on/off.

Shift + T: Toggles TAC Screen on/off.

Z: Toggles flight info on/off.

Ctrl + Shift + L: Toggles ID labels on/ off.

Ctrl + Shift + I (letter "I"): Toggles targeting indicators (cone and bracket) on/off.

I (letter "I"): Toggles cone (when targeting indicators are on) on/off.

[: Zoom out.

]: Zoom in.

~/` Key (above Tab): Padlock View.

The Number Pad Keys (on the right side of your keyboard) rotate the View (num lock must be on):
2 & 8 rotate the View up/down, 4 & 6 rotate the View right/left, and 1, 3, 7, & 9 rotate the View diagonally. 5 does nothing.

The Hat Switch snaps around when Scroll Lock is off, pans when Scroll Lock is on.:d