Zulu clock 27 years fast


"Molon Labe"
The clock in the campaign briefing room says 16 Aug 1916, but if I press "z" for inflight info, the Zulu clock tells me it is July, 1943:isadizzy:. Somebody's Mickey Mouse is Mucked Up'd.:wiggle: Maybe one of those storm clouds had a time warp.
The problem that you can set your watch, yet not your calandar, has existed since Phase 1. Everybody that can do anything about it knows.

It is a Patch of WWII, can't eliminate all traces, unfortunately this is one.

You expect everything perfect, maybe it's fixed in Phase 3, I don't know

Of course you COULD WAIT for KOA, I understand they've got it all dailed in, it's not out yet, but then they're trying for perfection :ernae:
QC is WWII time but Campaign is WWI time. You sure you're not playing QC ?
Well as long as theres no Spitfires diving out of the clouds you should be alright.
It gives you, your altitude, your speed, your course, your angle of climb, your FPS, and pretty reliable timer, but " Z " is not advisable to use as a calandar.

I equate it too a Swiss Army Knife, but the can opener is broken :costumes:
I usually only use Zulu to check FPS. I never noticed the time difference before. Just seemed odd, that's all. After being away from P2 and my entire PC for that matter, for 4+ weeks, everything kinda looks "different".:monkies:
Actually I think we have discovered the secret of how Biggles fought and flew in WW1 then took on the Nazis in WW2 without ageing a day!!!!