Douglas A20 Havoc

Seems to be some confusion about the Load Sheet (Shift+5).

The attached will hopefully clear up any misunderstandings.

All options available for either aircraft are shown on the sheet.
Unless it is listed as N/A (not available for this model), you can configure it.

If you select guns or cannons, you must also load its ammo.

Weights will be added/modified as your selections change.

For example, on this P-70A2, you will see cannons mounted in the belly pod, or 4-cannons in the nose (mutually exclusive), or 4-50 cal MGs in the nose, all with the option of adding chin guns.

You can have bombs, torpedo, or a long range belly tank.

The rear gunner/radar operator is optional (ferrying?) although should be in place as the breaker panel for electrical and generator switches are back there.

This variety of options is available on each of the four models.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks for that added information, Milton. I'm a fan of the configuration options.

I do have another question about the 2D panel that is in the pre-beta version. It doesn't seem to match the 3-d panel in layout. I gather that it is just for temporary use?
Thanks for that added information, Milton. I'm a fan of the configuration options.

I do have another question about the 2D panel that is in the pre-beta version. It doesn't seem to match the 3-d panel in layout. I gather that it is just for temporary use?

That is correct DW. I usually create a basic 2D panel from a VC screen shot. This is the one I intend to use, attached.

And there will be other options from Papi I think.


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Thanks for the reply. Wow, you guys are so far over my head technically that I can't even follow the discussion! I never even heard of GIMP, much less know what it is or have it. Same for CS6.

Hi Mick;

GIMP is a freeware image manipulation/paint program from (although beware google searching GIMP.. can find what you don't want :banghead: )

and CS6 is a photoshop derivative from payware/subscriptionware nowadays, although early version CS2 was free.


Thank you!

I have just downloaded GIMP. When time allows I will install it and check it out. I hope that will be pretty soon.
Seems to be some confusion about the Load Sheet (Shift+5).
The attached will hopefully clear up any misunderstandings...
Hope this helps.

Thanks for that explanation! I'm one who was confused! I'm beyond happy to see that it's possible to have the belly pod of the straight P-70; I didn't realize that was included.

Thanks for that explanation! I'm one who was confused! I'm beyond happy to see that it's possible to have the belly pod of the straight P-70; I didn't realize that was included.

I remain confused about one thing: I can't get the nose guns to appear. It's plain from your screenies that it should be possible; your image shows them configured on the checklist and visible on the model, but I can't get them to show up. I can add their ammo, and I can change any of the other features on the list, but when I click to add the nose guns nothing happens. Adding the ammo first, or not, doesn't make any difference. I made sure I didn't have any other guns loaded, in case there might be a conflict, but no, that wasn't it either. Every other feature works that should work on a P-70, but not that one. It doesn't matter whether I try the P-70A-1 or the P-70A-2, it still doesn't work.

This feature clearly works for you, but not for me, yet we must be using the same model. I must be doing something wrong, but clicking on an item on a list seems pretty simple and straightforward; even I should be able to get it right, but apparently not. Augh!!!!


Hi Mick,

The clickable areas are a little off in some places due to the way the strings are laid out. Be sure you have a hand pointer before you click.

I do not recall if there were any issues on the old released version or not so I am attaching the P-70 current model replacement folders here for you to try.


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Hi Mick,

The clickable areas are a little off in some places due to the way the strings are laid out. Be sure you have a hand pointer before you click.

I do not recall if there were any issues on the old released version or not so I am attaching the P-70 current model replacement folders here for you to try.

Thanks Milton!

As you can surmise from the edited version of my post above, while you were writing your reply, I was re-installing the model and editing my post, because for some reason it worked properly this time around. I can't imagine how it was any different each time, but it was. Curious.

Maybe I just clicked on the right pixel the second try. That must be it.
What can't I see here?

What is it that I can't see on the checklist?

When I load any A-20 version, A-20C, A-20G or P-70, I get this red box that covers the lower left corner of the checklist. It appears that there's writing, and presumably associated click points, hidden behind the red box, which can't be moved separately from the checklist.

Am I missing anything important? It strikes me that whatever is hidden behind there wouldn't be there if it wasn't important in some way.
What is it that I can't see on the checklist?

When I load any A-20 version, A-20C, A-20G or P-70, I get this red box that covers the lower left corner of the checklist. It appears that there's writing, and presumably associated click points, hidden behind the red box, which can't be moved separately from the checklist.

Am I missing anything important? It strikes me that whatever is hidden behind there wouldn't be there if it wasn't important in some way.

I get that too, Mick... but I don't think there's anything under that little orange panel to be concerned about. But... I am usually WRONG about such things so don't quote me. :dizzy:

Remember this is a "pre-beta" release and as mentioned before, has a lot of test elements in it.

It's simply a reminder. This is what I copied from the code:

"With optional tanks, recheck fuel loads (Center 1,2 and 3) after configuring."

The red box is a temporary test area to display variables while testing. If Spokes2112 ever returns, maybe he will finish up the code. :banghead:
Don't get frustrated Milton, although its a pre-beta I'm already more than pleased with it!

The one below is finished and available in the llibrary!

(In case your wonder: The scenery in the top shot is the Solomons scenery by Gary "Gary20" Burns, included in the donationware Corsair package)




Remember this is a "pre-beta" release and as mentioned before, has a lot of test elements in it.
It's simply a reminder. This is what I copied from the code:
"With optional tanks, recheck fuel loads (Center 1,2 and 3) after configuring."
The red box is a temporary test area to display variables while testing. If Spokes2112 ever returns, maybe he will finish up the code. :banghead:

Thanks Milton. So there's nothing to be concerned about.

It's so easy to forget that this is a pre-beta. Pre-!!! Simply amazing!
Back in body but my mind is still in my suitcase ( I hope).

Mick, Please try the attatched file in your paint proggie if you can open it I can let you have some working masters in the next couple of days. I already have masters for the C, ru, and G models.
I haven't yet touched the P70's but I can get them modded for you too work in psp7. MICK

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Here are some of the schemes I have too complete over the next few weeks.


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Mick, Please try the attatched file in your paint proggie if you can open it I can let you have some working masters in the next couple of days. I already have masters for the C, ru, and G models.
I haven't yet touched the P70's but I can get them modded for you too work in psp7. MICK
Thanks Steve! :ernaehrung004:

I've been painting P-70s for the past several days and I have six of them finished. Six is all I could come up with that are interesting and unique in any way, as most P-70's tended to look a lot alike. I haven't shown them off yet because I didn't want to jump ahead while there's so much happening with the A-20 and I didn't want to make a distraction.

EDIT: I tried the file you sent. It won't open in Adobe PhotoDelux. It opens in PSP7 but only as a merged image. I can see the list of layers on the drop-down menu, but can't get them to show as layers. That's OK, since I think I'm finished painting P-70s anyway. I appreciate you taking the trouble!

I used your later version of the 3rd Bomb Group A-20 as a base for a P-70A-1. P-70A-1's converted at the Brisbane Depot wore a unique camo scheme, as all they did was spray the cowlings and the neutral gray undersides in flat black, leaving the rest of the plane in the original olive drab. They were the only P-70s that weren't overall black, so I just had to paint one.

My others are all black with different but minimal markings. The most colorful P-70 seems to have been "Dusty," which is provided for us in the package. For those I used the "Dusty" textures as a base, with the markings removed and the new ones added.

I should post some screenies so you can see what I did and avoid duplication of effort. I'll try to find a few moments today to shoot and post screenies.

There is one plane that had striking nose art that I would love to paint, but he artwork is way beyond me. I'll attach the photos here in the event that you, or someone, might have the talent to tackle it. We can only see the nose of the plane, but we can be pretty sure that he only other markings were the serial on the tail (in red) and the national insignia. The plane belonged to the 6th Night Fighter Squadron, though we're not told which detachment (Guadalcanal or New Guinea.) It would be a safe bet that those were the early star roundel without the bars. I hope you're tempted to give it a try, or that someone will be...
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