Download question


Charter Member 2016
I know this is terribly elementary but - I got Yago 9's Photo-real Mirage III from our add-ons and there is no mention of install method in the read-me.

I don't know whether to copy to root dir (FS9) or copy each file to it's FS9 folder. . . How would I be able to tell which is correct?

thanks -
Main folder marked "Mirage III package" opens to:

common texture file
2 model files
7 texture files
aircraft file (.cfg)
air file (.air)
JPG image
thumbs file

Put that main folder (Mirage III package) into your fs9 aircraft folder, looks like its a full aircraft package
Put that main folder (Mirage III package) into your fs9 aircraft folder, looks like its a full aircraft package

Ok - did that, but the panel and sounds didn't seem to make the trip. I get previous aircraft panel (2D) and previous aircraft sounds (props, for example). Somehow, the VC came through ok as did all the textures and airfile. . .

I just don't get it I guess - Is that what you mean by "not a complete package", Frank ??

Just checked the package !
This is a all in one (complete aircraft and repaints)
Put this folder (obtained after the extraction of the ZIP archive)
Fs9MirageIII photo real package
In your aircraft folder of FS2004
All is there.
The gauges are already contained in the panel folder .. great !
I suggest you to also download the other package by the same author:
Fs9MirageIII photo real package2
It contain some effects .. for afterburner (not in the first package)
Put the folder
In your aircraft folder of FS2004
And put the the effects in your effects folder of FS2004
Have nice flights.
Ok - did that, but the panel and sounds didn't seem to make the trip. I get previous aircraft panel (2D) and previous aircraft sounds (props, for example). Somehow, the VC came through ok as did all the textures and airfile. . .

I just don't get it I guess - Is that what you mean by "not a complete package", Frank ??
Well, there are nine repaint packages on page 7 of Yago9's downloads here at SOH. Maybe I missed it but you didn't say exactly which one you downloaded by name. Some are simply additional textures and some are more or less complete packages where Lucian took out some of the shine from the visual model and repackaged the aircaft. I took a look at one of those last night and it didn't include the panel and guages. So you might need to install the original aircraft I linked to above and then put the repaint package on top of it.

Hope this helps.

Maybe I missed it but you didn't say exactly which one you downloaded by name
I got Yago 9's Photo-real Mirage III

Main folder marked "Mirage III package" opens to:

common texture file
2 model files
7 texture files
aircraft file (.cfg)
air file (.air)
JPG image
thumbs file

It's a package AIO (All In One) Model-textures-Airfile-Panel-Sound

The textures provided are:

Those files are not necessary:(gain of space in the FS2004 aircraft folder)
Common texture folder can be deleted (nothing in and not necessary BTW)
JPG image can be deleted
Thumbs can be deleted
Readme can be deleted
In each textures the thumb file can be deleted

By personnal taste I also converted the 32 bits textures files as DXT3
In each textures:

Can't help more :)

See my pics