There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

Oh Wow! You have been busy Rui :applause: That is looking very nice inside and outside. :jump:

The interior textures are shaping up beautifully. Love the wall, seat, and bathroom treatment, especially the sink.

Thank you for sharing your progress; we look forward to seeing this evolve. :ernaehrung004:
N168WS Almost there

Almost there with real world livery N168WS...


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and you have managed to get those nose bits all properly aligned...phheeww...great job !
Love the livery too!:applause:
In the meantime,...I have been trying to achieve a nice subtle effect for those propellers,
since the Trans Catalina "Spirit of Avalon" had no painted tips on the propellers,
they have to show as a plain disk, so I have tried two with black propeller effects, and the other with white.
What do you gentlemen think? which one looks more real!? thats what I'm trying to know.
I am very pleased with the white effect, here they are:

Prop blur for the mallard


Great work on this iconic a/c by Milton.

I would like you to provide both the black and the white prop blur textured so that we can 'mix n' match' dependent upon how we like the effect with different skins.

Both effects shown are excellent - many thanks for your work on this area.


Mal, My thoughts exactly!;) I will provide with pleasure a set of white, black, and white and black with yellow, white and red tips painted.
I just dont know how to upload files like these here, but I will figure it out.
propeller "disk" effects make a model look so real in FSX.
Later, then,
Mal, My thoughts exactly!;) I will provide with pleasure a set of white, black, and white and black with yellow, white and red tips painted.
I just dont know how to upload files like these here, but I will figure it out.
propeller "disk" effects make a model look so real in FSX.
Later, then,


Just create a folder of the disks with a readme.txt explaining what they are and how to swap them.

Zip and upload to the FS9 Misc or Other category.

Call it "Grumman Mallard Blurred Prop Options Set" or something to that effect.

I agree ... several options like this is a great way to share your talents. :applause:
Finished Mallard N168WS

Just uploaded the Mallard N168WS livery I have been working on.


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Mallard Back in Business ...

Well, I have invested, as you know, the last 6 weeks in getting the Harpoon family, the Lodestar family, and the Grumman F7F series out, and taking a week vacation out of town.

Now, I am back to the Mallard and Vega Ventura, with the "rotohub" Rockwell Commander 685 also in the wings about ready for release.

Manecas has been "out of commission" for a while now so that's why we have not heard from him recently; hopefully he will be back soon.

Mark has been out of country but should be back this month.

Wellis has been busy doing some awesome paint schemes.

The FSX native version was on hold pending some serious updates that are now about completed and that side should start rolling forward.
Those updates will include some really nice texture improvements as well including ambient occlusion. See attached effect for the interior.

So, I am hoping we can get a head of steam up for this project and start seeing the goal line before long.
Well, in my re-familiarization with the Mallard after installing a couple Wellis schemes, I discovered something new to me; the "push back" function works in water. Yeaaa! LOL
I've been working some on the passenger cabin textures. If anyone wants this either to use or to build on please just let me know!

Sir, did you ever release your interior paints and exterior paint schemes? They look awesome. :applause:
For those of you who have FSX installations, I have been alpha testing LDS's FSX Native version of the Mallard. I have got to say, this will be an awesome product. The all new VC is outstanding in every way. Superb work on the modeling and textures. Keep an eye out for screen shots when they post them up in the FSX thread.