There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

not giving up!

Wow, thats a lovely livery, great repaint Sir!
Thats the area that is also turning my hair grey!:banghead:
But its not impossible!

Thank you very much... I will keep at it (as you say, its not impossible and plan to get it posted this coming weekend as I am on the road for the next several days,
...and I hope to have those interior textures done soon, and make them available here, id be honoured if they could go next to your repaint Wellis!;)
i think they would match perfectly?!....:jump:
Mallard N168WS

That's the paint I have been waiting for!

and I hope to have those interior textures done soon, and make them available here

rc- your interior work is quite exceptional - you have captured a particular style and look that is fitting for this late 1940's craft. We are fortunate to have your contribution.
indeed they can

...and I hope to have those interior textures done soon, and make them available here, id be honoured if they could go next to your repaint Wellis!;)
i think they would match perfectly?!....:jump:

I think they would as well and thank for the kind words...and I am very much looking forward to that amazing interior...I
Wellis, Sir, my pleasure....ive waited soooo long for this one, Ive always loved the Mallard, as I said to Milton, a few years back I even started writing him an email about the possibility of hvaing a Mallard designed by him...I thought at the time I had no right to bother him, with my "silly" request, so I deleted that email...
Little did I know he was doing a Mallard now, found this thread by luck, and I just had to jump onboard, with Captains permission naturally!:encouragement:
So trust me, I will put my best again as I did on the Flight1 B727, on AFGs Caravelle and Beech200 ...the Mallard, Milton, and the FS community deserve the best FS Mallard freeware can afford!;)
getting back to it, stay tuned gentlemen!
milton, love the X- Ray pics too!;)
Wellis, Sir, my pleasure....ive waited soooo long for this one, Ive always loved the Mallard, as I said to Milton, a few years back I even started writing him an email about the possibility of hvaing a Mallard designed by him...I thought at the time I had no right to bother him, with my "silly" request, so I deleted that email...
Little did I know he was doing a Mallard now, found this thread by luck, and I just had to jump onboard, with Captains permission naturally!:encouragement:
So trust me, I will put my best again as I did on the Flight1 B727, on AFGs Caravelle and Beech200 ...the Mallard, Milton, and the FS community deserve the best FS Mallard freeware can afford!;)
getting back to it, stay tuned gentlemen!
milton, love the X- Ray pics too!;)

Mallard Updates attached:

1) Replacement model folder
2) entry/exit ladder animated (Mapped on cabinseats.bmp)
3) Wing spar cover in cabin (Mapped on cabinseats.bmp)
4) Windscreen wipers
5) cabin interior window glass individually mapped for separate texture treatment - transparency is totally alpha controlled so you can add edge fog/moisture, scratches, etc. to the alpha channel.
(Mapped on cabinseats.bmp)

Just curious if anyone wants me to remap the cabinetry for easier/better texturing??? Or, is it okay as is.
Like ithers here, I can say I am spoiled to have all these updates in such little time!
just got home, but after dinner Im checking all these goodies!
So if you think you can do it, Milton....why not the cabinet!?,:jump: some shading and metal latches will give it that final look.
What did they use those cabinets for, anyway? drinks?!;) paperwork?! Just curious....
and individual glass textures, oh my....oh my....;) its like Christmas morning here!
God bless you Milton, and thank YOU! Stay tuned!;-)
Like ithers here, I can say I am spoiled to have all these updates in such little time!
just got home, but after dinner Im checking all these goodies!
So if you think you can do it, Milton....why not the cabinet!?,:jump: some shading and metal latches will give it that final look.
What did they use those cabinets for, anyway? drinks?!;) paperwork?! Just curious....
and individual glass textures, oh my....oh my....;) its like Christmas morning here!
God bless you Milton, and thank YOU! Stay tuned!;-)

Since this was considered the executive aircraft of the day, I suspect they stowed refreshment there but I have no pictures of that other than what I sent to you.

If others who have done interiors do not mind me evolving this WIP, I will remap the cabinets.
Mallard Update #2

Update includes remap of cabin cabinets, the inside shelves, and "groceries", cups, bowls, beverages, etc. on the shelves.

Model folder replacement
Texture 1024 for sim
Texture 2048 paint template
Screen shots
Mallard - solid props


Wonderful job on this a/c. I have tried to keep track of all the various FS9 models for this production but, sadly seem to have lost my way somewhere.

On the skins for this a/c that have been posted and utilising the latest model for this a/c you have posted, I get solid prop discs and also am missing a texture from the right-hand side of the vc.

The only model that you have published that gives me a good spinning prop with transparency, is the model you produced on 8/1/2015 at 11:23 AM 4,067 KB.

Lovely to solve these issues, but realise you have an awful lot on your plate at present.

Hi Mal :)

Sorry about the issues; things are in flux at the moment.

Attaching a replacement prop texture. The name has changed to drop the _t and the transparency is controlled only by the alpha channel now.

Also uploaded my current panel folder to replace yours. Keep in mind I do not have panel textures other than the templates so you may wish to save yours and replace mine.
Mallard Update #2

Update includes remap of cabin cabinets, the inside shelves, and "groceries", cups, bowls, beverages, etc. on the shelves.

ohohoho....Good thing I have two days off ;)
Thanks Milton, Devoting the whole afternoon to these now...later, gentlemen ;)
ok, so I still need to fine tune these...but we're getting there, gentlemen, we're getting there ;)
when these are done I will make them avaialble to anyone interested...
Thanks again Milton, :jump:see you all later,

ok, so I still need to fine tune these...but we're getting there, gentlemen, we're getting there ;)
when these are done I will make them avaialble to anyone interested...
Thanks again Milton, :jump:see you all later,

Oh wow



Beautiful work.... Of course we'd be interested 😁
Mallard spinprop and vc cockpit


VMT for your prompt reply plus attachment with spinprop.bmp and your latest panel. Am always humbled by your ability to respond to everything thrown at you, when, like the Mallard Duck you are smooth and serene above water-level and paddling like f... underneath.

As an old '60s homily went: 'It's hard to remember that the aim is to drain the swamp, when you are up to your neck in alligators'!

Manacas has certainly got the bit between his teeth and sparking on all eight. His 'Chalk' paints look really rich.

What a great a/c you have apparently magically produced out of your hat. HMS ENDEAVOUR certainly blind-sided a lot of your fans.

Thanks for everything.
ok, so I still need to fine tune these...but we're getting there, gentlemen, we're getting there ;)
when these are done I will make them avaialble to anyone interested...
Thanks again Milton, :jump:see you all later,

Holy crap thats awesome!

Im looking forward to this, and I dont fly amphibs much.

Great progress on the paint, engines, and prop textures. Very nice. :applause: I look forward to their evolution.

I am hoping that Andre and SteveB come through with updates to their work as well; great stuff everywhere. :applause: