ALASKA AFCAD FILES VERSION 101604 FOR FS2004 by Chris Coarse 16 October 2004 The files contained in this version of Alaska AFCAD files for FS2004 are intended for users that understand how to use AFCAD files and traffic in FS2004. THIS RELEASE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. This file contains AFCAD files for most of the approximately 700+ airports in the state of Alaska. 648 airports are currently "finished". As with any large project of this nature, there will be problems. Nobody can say what those problems may be until the product is used by those in the field. I have tried to eliminate as many errors and make AFCAD as appropriate as possible for the region covered. Reporting instructions for errors are listed below. Check my website often for updates. Be sure to check the Revision History below for deletions.
by Chris Coarse (railrunner130) (2004-10-16 16:21:01)
by Chris Coarse (railrunner130) (2004-10-16 16:21:01)