B-17 613th BS/ 401st BG "Lady Jane".zip

B-17 613th BS/ 401st BG "Lady Jane".zip 2024-06-18

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According to Lt John Emch, the copilot, they were hit by flak during their bombrun over Hamburg on the 6th of November 1944. This damaged their no2 engine, and vibrations in this engine tore an oil-line in no 1 engine, causing it to overheat. Realising that they were not going to make it to England, they decided to head south for allied lines. When a third engine failed, they had to make an emergency landing in the Wieringermeer. Dutch civilans tried to hide them, but the Germans had seen them come down and were very quickly at the spot and 9 crewmembers were taken prisoner (what happened to the 10th remained a mystery, the crew said he bailed out earlier, but he was never found). The Germans relieved the wreckage of all valuable material and blew up the rest. The remains were later buried in the field by the farmer, Mr. Iwema. Repaint for the Wings of Power B-17G by Jan Kees Blom.
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