C.R.D.A. Cant.Z.506B "Airone" (V.01) FS2004 by Manuele Villa, November 2014
The CANT Z.506B Airone (Heron) was a three-engined hydroplane, with wooden structure. Designed by ingegner Filippo Zappata, who also designed the CANT Z.1007 bomber.It had excellent flying characteristics and good stability and was regarded by some as "the best Italian hydroplane of World War II". It was used by the Italian Regia Aeronautica,Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana and Luftwaffe during World War II and, after 1945, by Aeronautica Militare Italiana as S.A.R. hydroplane.
VC only. GMax Models and Skins by Manuele Villa, Flight dynamics by FSAviator, It also works (Tested) subject to some limitations within in FSX. By Manuele Villa/MVG3D, October 2014.
The CANT Z.506B Airone (Heron) was a three-engined hydroplane, with wooden structure. Designed by ingegner Filippo Zappata, who also designed the CANT Z.1007 bomber.It had excellent flying characteristics and good stability and was regarded by some as "the best Italian hydroplane of World War II". It was used by the Italian Regia Aeronautica,Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana and Luftwaffe during World War II and, after 1945, by Aeronautica Militare Italiana as S.A.R. hydroplane.
VC only. GMax Models and Skins by Manuele Villa, Flight dynamics by FSAviator, It also works (Tested) subject to some limitations within in FSX. By Manuele Villa/MVG3D, October 2014.