Hi there ! Yet another repaint of the phantastic Phantom by Cloud9 has arrived on your harddrive. Based on the equally impressive paintkit by Dag Roger Stageland we tried to recreate 38+59 as it looked in 1991, just after having received the, back then, new Norm90J camouflage. The a/c was not fitted with the new APG65 radar and thus kept its black nose. All the F-4F that were not upgraded kept their old, black radomes and were commonly called "Black Nose". Mange takk, Dag for giving your permission to use and uploaded this one and following repaints. Sincerely Torsten Beckmann + Bernd Kemper.
By bully707, 2008-04-20 05:17:03
By bully707, 2008-04-20 05:17:03