IJN Guns and Weapons Pack

IJN Guns and Weapons Pack IJN Guns and Weapons Pack Release 1.1

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Added 40mm AA
40mm62ijnAA - Flak gun
This weapon was a Vickers design based on the British 2-pdr. Mark II and used on single and twin mountings similar to those used for the British mountings. About 500 guns and 200 mountings were imported from Britain from 1925 to 1935. Used a 50 round belt although an unsuccessful attempt was made to increase this to 100 rounds.
Like all Vickers 2-pdr. guns, this weapon had a low muzzle velocity and a short effective range. For that reason, these guns were replaced on most warships starting in 1935 by the Hotchkiss 25 mm gun.
Although this weapon was classified by the Japanese as being 62 calibers long, this dimension was actually the overall length of the weapon. True bore length of all Vickers 2-pdr guns was 39.37 calibers. The Japanese "BI" designation for Vickers guns is also translated as "HI" in some accounts.