SectionF8 F-86F textures "The Huff" in high

SectionF8 F-86F textures "The Huff" in high 2024-05-24

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SectionF8 F-86F textures "The Huff" in high detail for 'rivet counters' only!!!!

These are newly revised primary textures with extra detail to be used with the original released edition of the FS2004 ?SECTIONF8? North American F-86E/F Saber ( Every feature of the exterior fuselage, including the front windscreen, sliding canopy section, machine gun ports, vertical stabilizer, tail section, etc., etc. has been reworked. Textures are in DXT3 format to preserve frame rates.

In addition to the revamped primary textures this set also features the personal markings for F-86F-1-NA, 51-2897 "The Huff" in h-i-g-h detail as flown by Lt. James L. Thompson, USAF; 39th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing circa 16 June 1953. The nose art on the port side of the fuselage features a large dragon which made it one of the wildest and most garish paint schemes ever seen on an F-86 Sabre. Along with the dragon and two kill markings on the left side, the starboard side has artwork reading ?Bill?s Baby? and ?Miss Jenny? with six kill markings.

Lieutenant Thompson's "The Huff" dragon motif was inspired by a similar dragon painted on the side of the first MiG-15 that he shot down on May 18, 1953. He shot down a second MiG-15 on 16 June 1953. After the war the airplane was delivered to Taiwan.

Thanks to Jan Visser for support and the motivation to produce this special set of textures for members of Sim-Outhouse.

Cliff Presley 18 March 2009

SectionF8 F-86F textures The Huff in high detail.jpg
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