Updated FS2004 Heinkel He-51-B-1 by ClassicWings.

Updated FS2004 Heinkel He-51-B-1 by ClassicWings. 1.0

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Update of the FS2004 Heinkel He-51-B-1 fighter by Craig Richardson of Classicwings. Included are paints by Huub Vink, Damian Radice, and an updated default paint based on Mr. Richardson's original aircraft's colors.

Panel is by Michael "Papi" Vader who used the FSX panel as a base to work from.

Paint kit (blank) textures are included for those who wish to try and make more paints of this wonderful aircraft. This was created from Mr. Richardson's original FSX paintkit and adapted for use on his older model. These are not layered, but layered GIMP files are available upon request.

The model's aileron animation has been corrected and you also now have two (2) models available: one with "spats" or "wheel pants" and another without them.

All credits to Huub Vink, Michael "Papi" Vader, Damian Radice, and Craig Richardson for all the time and effort they put into this aircraft so many years ago.

As goes with most Platinum Wings updates, this one uses a default "air" file with performance "numbers" updated in the respective aircraft's "cfg" file. It may not be the best, but it's a start. Improvements are welcome!

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