FS9 repaint only for the WarbirdSim North American P-51B/C. North American P-51B-15-NA, 42-106942, B7*H, 374th Fighter Squadron. 361st FG, P-51B, Bottisham AB, England, August 1944. There were 2 aircraft in the 374th that carried the "H" aircraft ID, this one and the other was B7*H Bar and was named Ferocious Frankie, A/C 42-106655. Two pilots are known to have been assigned B7*H; 1. Lt. Paul C Holter, Jr, and Lt. Clarence E Zieske. Lt. Zieski was lost in this aircraft over France on 12 August 1944 after being hit by flak while on a strafing run over a rail target. He was seen attempting to bail at approximately 100' above the ground but his shoot didn't have time to open and he did not survive. Repaint by Steve Bryant. Model and paintkit by WarbirdSim.