WWII_BF-109E Wasp2 (1910) Flight Simulator 2004 (Re-Paint)
texturewasp2.zip (1.78 Meg) (downloaded 242 times)
Flown during to battle of Poland, 1942 this Bf-109E was often flown as an escort for the Bf-110 Zerstorergeschwader who were to slow against the Allied fighters. Pilot unknown. This is paint version two. You must have purchase WOP WWII Fighters to use these textures.
by stovall (2006-08-25 21:41:38)
texturewasp2.zip (1.78 Meg) (downloaded 242 times)
Flown during to battle of Poland, 1942 this Bf-109E was often flown as an escort for the Bf-110 Zerstorergeschwader who were to slow against the Allied fighters. Pilot unknown. This is paint version two. You must have purchase WOP WWII Fighters to use these textures.
by stovall (2006-08-25 21:41:38)