
  1. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Class C Escorts 2024-05-25

    IJN_TypeC_DE_1944_LOD IJN_TypeC_DE 1944L_LOD IJN_TypeC_DE_1945_LOD New dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  2. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Type B Escorts 2024-05-25

    IJN_Mikura_DE_1943_LOD IJN_Mikura_DE_1945_LOD IJN_Ukuru_DE_1944_LOD IJN_Ukuru_DE_1945_LOD New dp and ship.cfg Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  3. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Type A Escorts 2024-05-25

    The IJN Type A escorts were the Shimushu and Etorofu Classes. IJN_Shimushu_DE_1941_LOD IJN_Shimushu_DE_1944_LOD IJN_Etorofu_DE_1943_LOD IJN_Etorofu_DE_1944L_LOD IJN_Etorofu_DE_1945_LOD new dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  4. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Wakatake Class torpedo boats 2024-05-25

    IJN_Watakate1922_LOD IJN_Wakatake1941_LOD (for escort use) New dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  5. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Momi Class torpedo boats 2024-05-25

    IJN_Momi1919_LOD IJN_Momi1939_LOD (used for escort) IJN_Momi1940APD_LOD (for landing operations 1941-42) IJN_Momi1939APD_LOD IJN_Momi1941APD_LOD New dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  6. dombral

    New tetures for Stuart277 IJN Chidori & Otori torpedo boats 2024-05-25

    IJN_Chidori_TB_1941_LOD IJN_Chidori_TB_1945_LOD (grey over green paint) IJN_Otori_TB_1941_LOD IJN_Otori_TB_1942_LOD IJN_Otori_TB_1944_LOD New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submited by Dombral
  7. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Minekaze Class destroyers 2024-05-25

    IJN_Minekaze1920_LOD IJN_Minekaze1939_LOD IJN_Minekaze1941APD_LOD (Sawakaze) IJN_Minekaze1945KaitenA_LOD (Namikaze) IJN8minekaze1945KaitenB_LOD (Shiokaze) New dp and ship.cfg Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  8. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Kamikaze Class destroyers 2024-05-25

    IJN_Kamikaze_1922_LOD IJN_Kamikaze_1939_LOD IJN_Kamikaze_1944_LOD New dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  9. dombral

    New Textures for Stuart277 IJN Matsu Class desroyers 2024-05-25

    IJN_Matsu_LOD IJN_Tachibana_LOD IJN_Take1945_LOD (grey and green paint) New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  10. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Destroyers Akizuki Class 2024-05-25

    IJN_Akizuki_1942_LOD IJN_Akizuki_1944_LOD New .dp and ship.CFG Submitted by Dombral
  11. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN destroyers Kagero Class 2024-05-25

    IJN_Kagero_1941_LOD IJN_Kagero_1944_LOD New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  12. dombral

    New texture for Stuart277 IJN destroyer Shimakaze 2024-05-25

    IJN_Shimakaze1943_LOD IJN_Shimakaze1944_LOD New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  13. Maxstuka 2024-05-25

    Model: P-47M Thunderbolt Maker: gramps (Anthony Sullenger) Improvements: Maxstuka Thanks to gramp (Anthony Sullenger) for giving me permission to upload the file with some changes and approve the project.
  14. Maxstuka 2024-05-25

    Model: P-47D-25 Thunderbolt Maker: gramps (Anthony Sullenger) Improvements: Maxstuka Thanks to gramp (Anthony Sullenger) for giving me permission to upload the file with some changes and approve the project.
  15. Maxstuka 2024-05-25

    Model: P-47D-23 Thunderbolt Maker: FDG V.2 Team Improvements: Maxstuka Thanks to gramp (Anthony Sullenger) for giving me permission to upload the file with some changes and approve the project.
  16. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Destroyers Asashio & Yugumo 2024-05-25

    IJN_Asashio_1941_LOD with 1941 and 1942 textures IJN_Asashio_1944_LOD IJN_Yugumo_1941_LOD IJN_Yugumo_1944_LOD New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  17. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Destroyers Hatsuharu & Shiratsuyu Class 2024-05-25

    IJN_Hatsuharu_1941_LOD with textures 1941 1942 IJN_Hatsuharu_1944_LOD IJN_Shiratsuyu_1941_LOD with texures 1941 1942 IJN_Shiratsuyu_1944_LOD New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  18. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Destroyers Akatsuki Class 2024-05-25

    This class is the Fubuki Class GpIII with the fore funnel slimmer as they had one forward boiler less than previous groups. IJN_Akatsuki_1941_LOD with textures 1940 and 1941 IJN_Akatsuki_1944_LOD New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  19. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 IJN Destroyers Fubuki GpI & GpII 2024-05-25

    IJN_Fubuki_GpI_1941_LOD textures 1941 and 1942 IJN_Fubuki_GpI_1944 IJN_Fubuki_PgII_1941_LOD textures 1941 and 1942 IJN_Fubuki_PgII_1944 New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral
  20. dombral

    New textures for Stuart277 RN Q Class Destroyers 2024-05-25

    HMS Quality 1942 is the "RN_Q_ClassDD_1942_NP_LOD" in medium neutral grey. HMS Quality 1943 is the "RN_Q_ClassDD_NP_1943_LOD" in camouflage standard 1942-43. HMAS Quality 1944 is the "RN_Q_ClassDD_NP_1944_LOD" in RAN service 1944-45. New .dp and ship.CFG Merci Stuart277 Submitted by Dombral