milton shupe

  1. jankees

    Douglas A-26 Invader 416th BG "For Pete's Sake" 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B 43-22330 F6-P "For Pete's Sake" of the 670th BS, 416th BG, Melun, Spring 1945. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  2. jankees

    Douglas A-26B Invader 47th BG #16 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B-20-DT 43-22440 #16 of the 84th BS / 47th BG, based in Grosseto, Italy, early 1945. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  3. jankees

    Douglas A-26C Invader 416th BG "Dinah Might" Version 2 2

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26C 43-22498 5C-R "Dinah Might" of the 671st BS, 416th BG, Laon, spring 1945. I painted it earlier as a A-26B, but I found more pictures, showing it to be a A-26C, with...
  4. jankees

    Douglas A-26C Invader 416th BG "Dinah Might" version 1 1

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B 43-22498 5C-R "Dinah Might" of the 671st BS, 416th BG, Laon, Spring 1945.
  5. jankees

    Douglas A-26 Invader 391st BG P2-C 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26C-25-DT 43-22653 of the 572nd BS / 391st BG, based at Y29 Asch, Belgium, in April 1945. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  6. jankees

    Douglas A-26C Invader 386th BG "Rat Poison Jr" 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26C 43-22312 AN-S "Rat Poison Jr" of the 553rd BS/ 386th BG, based at A60 Beaumont sur Oise, France, in March 1945.
  7. jankees

    Douglas A-26 Invader French AF GB1/19 Gascogne 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B-60-DL 44-34505 L of the French Air Force, flying with GB 1/19 Gascogne from Cap St Jacques (Vung Tao), Vietnam, 1955. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  8. jankees

    Douglas A-26 Invader French AF GB2/91 Guyenne 2019-04-23

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B-60-DL 43-22478 U of the French Air Force, flying with GB 2/91 Guyenne, Algeria, 1961. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  9. jankees

    Douglas A-26C Invader 386th BG "Spare Parts Jr" 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B-15-DL 43-22373 AN-H "Spare Parts Jr" of the 386th BG, based at A60 Beaumont sur Oise, France, in March 1945. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  10. jankees

    Douglas A-26 Invader Sweet Eloise II 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26C 44-34313 Sweet Eloise II N4313. Sweet Eloise is a restored warbird with over 1800 Hours of combat time. It is painted in the markings it had originally when it was the...
  11. jankees

    Douglas A-26C Invader 416th BG "Phoenix Thunderbird" 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B 43-22313 5C-B "Phoenix Thunderbird" of the 671st BS, 416th BG, Laon, spring 1945. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  12. jankees

    Douglas A-26B Invader 416th BG "Tom Swift's Flying Machine" 2024-05-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Douglas A-26 Invader by Milton Shupe and many others at Sim-Outhouse. It shows A-26B 43-22354 2A-S "Tom Swift's Flying Machine" of the 669th BS, 416th BG, Laon, Spring 1945. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom.
  13. Milton Shupe

    Grumman S2T Military for FSX Portover V1.1

    Grumman S2Turbo Military Version for FSX (FS9 Portover) (S2T-MIL) This is NOT NATIVE FSX by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Tom Fliger, Nigel Richards, Rachel Whiteford, Dave Stewart and Jan Visser with help from SOH members. This Grumman Tracker S2T(urbo), Marsh Conversion for Military use, setup...
  14. Milton Shupe

    FSX Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat-Modified Full Pkg 2024-05-13

    FSX Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat Mods by Milton Shupe and Ed Wells *** This package is an FS9 PortOver *** Modified Bearcat F8F-2 by Milton Shupe and Ed Wells (textures) with Permissions from Oldliner52 January 22, 2014 Original Designed by Oldliner52 with Gmax Gauges by Jean Pierre Langer Flight...
  15. kelticheart 2024-05-13

    'I can't leave 'em alone' series by Stefano 'kelticheart' Denti. Alternative 3-blade texture prop disc for CFS2 conversion of the FS2004 Douglas A-26B/C, B-26K Invader by Milton Shupe --- converted for CFS2 by SOH's member Bearcat241. Available at Another splendid...
  16. Milton Shupe

    Lockheed Harpoon V1.2

    FS2004 Designed, FSX Port Over, Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon - Full Release v1.2 by Milton Shupe, Tom Falley, Scott Thomas, Sounds and textures by Nigel Richards. Pilot figures by Jan Visser. Special thanks to Rachael "Firekitten" Whiteford for helping us get to the finish line with textures. This...
  17. Milton Shupe

    Lockheed Lodestar L-18 C-57 C60A 2024-05-13

    FSX Only Lockheed Lodestar L-18, C-57, and C-60A - Composite Release by Milton Shupe, Tom Falley, Scott Thomas, Ken Mitchell, Rachael Whiteford, Stuart Cox, Andre Reimers, Mark Rogers, and Sounds by Nigel Richards. Pilot figures by Jan Visser. ** This port over Will not work in FS9 ** ** Full...
  18. Milton Shupe

    Lockheed PV-1 Vega Ventura 2024-05-13

    FSX Port Over Lockheed PV-1 Vega Ventura v1.1 *Updated* by Milton Shupe, Tom Falley, Rachael Whiteford, and Sounds by Nigel Richards. Pilot figures by Jan Visser. Drop tank gauge by Robert Sanderson. Pkg incl 2 models (plus specular/no specular options), custom panel and gauge setup, custom...
  19. Milton Shupe

    Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat 2024-05-12

    FSX Native Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat Conversion by Milton Shupe. June 2017 FSX Native Modified Text Modified Bearcat F8F-2 by Milton Shupe - Objective - FSX Native May 28, 2017 Summary of changes ------------------ Straight up conversion of materials/textures, animations, and attach points. The...
  20. Milton Shupe

    Beechcraft AT-11 KANSAN V1.0

    The Beechcraft AT-11 for FSX Native v1.0 Models by Milton Shupe, panel and gauges by Scott Thomas, textures by the late Damian Radice, and Sounds by Nigel Richards. Four models and ten textures included. Damian's Paint kit is available at SOH and Flightsim. Also look for Larry Green's...