royal navy

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    RN Shakespeare Class DD 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Shakespeare Class DD for CFS2 V1.0. There are four ships in this download. HMS_Shakespeare_DD_1918_LOD HMS_Wallace_DD_1939_LOD HMS_Wallace_DD_1942_LOD HMS_Keppel_DD_1942_LOD Models have new .dp file. GMax models are included. The textuer files, RN_WW1_Destroyers, are unique to...
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    RN Glengyle Class LSI 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Glengyle Class LSI for CFS2 V1.0 These ships represent the Royal Navy Glengyle Class Infantry Landing Ships for CFS2. There are two ships in this download. RN_Glengyle_ClassLSI_LOD with a load of LCAs. RN_Glengyle_ClassLSI_UL_LOD without a load. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP...
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    RN Egret Class Sloop 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Egret Class Sloops for CFS2 V1.0 There are three ships in this download. RN_EgretSloop_1939_LOD RN_EgretSloop_1943_LOD RN_EgretSloop_1944_LOD GMax models are included Cheers Stuart
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    HMS Repulse 2024-05-06

    GMax HMS Repulse for CFS2 There are two models in this download: HMS_Repulse_1939_LOD. HMS_Repulse_1941_LOD with and extra 6 x 1 20mm AA guns. Ships use the RN_BB texture from my other RN Battleships, but this is unique to these ships. Models are Multi_LOD. New DP files are included...
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    RN Insect Class Gunboat 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Insect Class Gunboat V1.0 for CFS2 This GMax model represents the Royal Navy Insect Class Gunboats around 1939. The GMax LOD Model is included. Cheers, Stuart
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    RN Dragonfly Class Gunboat 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Dragonfly Class Gunboat V1.0 This GMax model represents the Royal Navy Dragonfly Class Gunboats around 1939. The GMax LOD Model is included. Cheers, Stuart
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    RN Ramilles BB for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Ramilles BB for CFS2 V2.0 These models are revisions of my earlier Revenge Class Battleships v2.0. They reflect a request from Dombral, where I had forgotten to put a catapult on the Resolution 1939 and 1941. I have also put one on the Ramilles. Apart from that the Ramilles is as the...
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    RN Erebus Monitor for CFS2 2024-05-06

    RN Erebus Class Monitor for CFS2 V1.0 These GMax models represent the Royal Navy Erebus class Monitors. There are 5 models in this download. RN_Erebus_Class_1917_LOD. RN_Erebus_Class_1918_LOD. RN_Erebus_Class_1939_LOD. RN_Erebus_Class_1941_LOD representing HMS Terror when she was sunk...
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    RN R Class DD for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN R Class DD for CFS2 V1.0 These ships represent the Royal Navy R Class Destroyers for CFS2. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. There are three ships in this download: RN_R_ClassDD_1916_LOD, with a port and starboard pennant, the number can be changed...
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    RN Illustrious Class CV for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax models of the RN Illustrious Class CV's for CFS2 V1.0 There are ten models in this download. The details are in the 'readme'. Models are Multi_LOD. New DP files are included. There is also a series of texture's that can be used. The details are in the 'readme.' Cheers, Stuart
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    RN King George V Class BB for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax models of the RN King George V Class BB for CFS2 There are three models in this download: RN_KGV_1941_LOD RN_KGV_1943_LOD RN_KGV_1945_LOD Models are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax models are included. Cheers, Stuart
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    RN Caroline Class Cl 2024-05-06

    GMax models of the Royal Navy Caroline Class LC for CFS2 This is V2.0. The models are now Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_CarlisleClass'. There are two ships in this download: RN_CarolineClassCL_1918_LOD...
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    RN Arethusa Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax models of the Royal Navy Arethusa Class Light Cruisers This is version 2.0 The models are Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_ArethusaClass'. There are two ships in the download: RN_ArethusaClass_1940_LOD and...
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    RN Hawkins Class CA for CFS2 2024-05-06

    This is version 1.0 The models are Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_CarlisleClass'. There are four ships in this download: HMS_Hawkins_CA_1940_LOD HMS_Hawkins_CA_1942_LOD HMS_Frobisher_CA_1942_LOD...
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    RN Emerald Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Emerald Class Cl for CFS2 This is version 2.0. The models are now Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_CarlisleClass'. There are six ships in this download: RN_EmeraldClassCL_1939_LOD, representing the typical HMS...
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    RN Danae Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Danae Class Cl for CFS2 This is version 2.0 The models are now Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_CarlisleClass'. There are five ships in this download: RN_DanaeClassCL_1939_LOD, representing the typical un-modified...
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    RN Carlisle Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    This is version 2.0 The models ar now Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_CarlisleClass'. There are five ships in this download: RN_CarlisleClass_1939_LOD, representing the typical un-modified ship...
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    RN Ceres Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Ceres Class Cruisers for CFS2 This is version 2.0 The models are now Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_CarlisleClass'. There are four ships in this download: RN_CeresClassCL_1939_LOD, representing the typical...
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    RN Caledon Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Caledon Class Cruiser for CFS2This is version 2.0 The models are now Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. There are three ships in this download: RN_CaledonClassCL_1939_LOD, representing the typical un-modified ship. RN_CaledonClassCL_1942_LOD, representing the typical un-modified ship...
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    RN Dido Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    These ships represent various stages of the Dido/Bellona class light cruisers used by the Royal Navy in WWII. Models are Multi_LOD and have new texture and DP files. Each ship has it's own texture file, although they are all named 'RN_Bellona_Class'. There are five ships in the download...