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    RN Dreadnought 2024-05-07

    GMax HMS Dreadnought V1.0 for CFS2 There is one model in this download. It represents HMS Dreadnought around 1914. Model has a new .dp file. GMax model is included. Cheers, Stuart
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    RN Queen Elizabeth 1916 BB for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN Queen Elizabeth 1916 BB for CFS2 V2.0 This model is a revision of my earlier Queen Elizabeth Class Battleships. It has new texturing. This will mean that other's paint work will not fit. It has less poly's and are now Multi LOD. It also has a new DP. There is one model in this...
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    RN Revenge Class BB for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax Royal Navy Revenge Class BB for CFS2 V2.0 These models are revisions of my earlier Revenge Class Battleships. They have less poly's and are now Multi_LOD. They also have new DP's. They have new texturing. This will mean that other's paint work will not fit. There are a variety of...
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    RN Erebus Monitor for CFS2 2024-05-06

    RN Erebus Class Monitor for CFS2 V1.0 These GMax models represent the Royal Navy Erebus class Monitors. There are 5 models in this download. RN_Erebus_Class_1917_LOD. RN_Erebus_Class_1918_LOD. RN_Erebus_Class_1939_LOD. RN_Erebus_Class_1941_LOD representing HMS Terror when she was sunk...
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    RN R Class DD for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax RN R Class DD for CFS2 V1.0 These ships represent the Royal Navy R Class Destroyers for CFS2. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. There are three ships in this download: RN_R_ClassDD_1916_LOD, with a port and starboard pennant, the number can be changed...
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    RN Arethusa Cl WWI for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax models of the Royal Navy Arethusa Class Light Cruisers built during WWI There are five models in this download: RN_ArethusaClassCL_1914_LOD as built with 3 pounder AA gun. RN_ArethusaClassCL_1915_LOD with flying-off platform over the forecastle and 3 inch gun. RN_ArethusaClassCL_1915b_LOD...
  7. baldy

    Admiralty Seaplane Lighter 2024-05-06

    A towed lighter to enable a Sopwith Camel to take off at sea to attack Zeppelins before they reached the English coast. Lt S D Culley shot down Zeppelin L53 on 10th Aug 1918 using this method. Submitted by Baldy
  8. baldy

    HMS Ben-my-Chree 2024-05-06

    Seaplane tender converted from an Isle of Man steamer at the beginning of WWI. Took part in several abortive attacks on North East German coast before joining the Allied naval forces at Gallipoli. An aircraft from this ship was the first to sink an enemy vessel with an air dropped torpedo...
  9. baldy

    HMS Campania 2024-05-06

    The world's first operational aircraft carrier. At the outbreak of WWI the Royal Navy converted the steamship RMS Campania into a seaplane tender / aircraft carrier. With its sloping flight deck float planes could be flown off using jettison-able wheel carriages. The first flight was a Short...
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    RN Caroline Class Cl for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax models of the Royal Navy Caroline Class LC for CFS2 This is V2.0. The models are now Multi-LOD and have a new dp file. Each ship has its own texture files, although they are all named 'RN_CarlisleClass'. There are two ships in this download: RN_CarolineClassCL_1918_LOD...
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    RN S Class DD for CFS2 2024-05-06

    These are GMax renditions of the Royal Navy S Class Destroyers, for CFS2 V1.0. These ships are now multi-LOD and have appropriate DP files. Each group has 6 ships: 1918, 1941, 1942, 1918 with Pennant Number, 1941 with Pennant Number, and 1942 with Pennant Number. Cheers, Stuart
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    RN V and W Class DD for CFS2 2024-05-06

    GMax renditions of the V and W class DD for CFS2 There are ten separate ships classes in this download: RN_VWDest_1918_LOD - Typical V and W destroyers from WWI RN_VWDest_1939_LOD - Typical V and W destroyers around 1939 RN_VWDest_LRE_1940_LOD - Typical V and W Class set as Long Range...
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    VN_HMS_Chester 2024-05-06

    CFS2 WWI ship HMS Chester saw action at Jutland Among her numerous casualties was 16 year old Boy 1st Class John Cornwall. Mortally wounded, he continued to man his gun, and was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for his bravery. Submitted by The Virtual Navy
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    VN_HMS_Invincible 2024-05-06

    The fifth Invincible of the Royal Navy at the battle of Jutland. She was hit in her "Q" turret by a salvo from Lutzow and blew up, breaking in two and sinking with the loss of all but six of her crew of 1,026. Admiral Hood was among the dead. Submitted by The Virtual Navy
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    VN_HMS_Ironduke 2024-05-06

    HMS Iron Duke was a battleship of the Royal Navy, the lead ship of her class, named in honour of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. She served as the flagship of the Grand Fleet during World War I. She was the flagship of the Grand Fleet at the battle of Jutland. Submitted by The Virtual...
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    VN_HMS_Petard 2024-05-06

    Petard hit the German battlecruiser Seydlitz with one torpedo in the battle of Jutland. Submitted by The Virtual Navy.
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    VN_HMS_Tiger 2024-05-06

    HMS Tiger was a battlecruiser of the Royal Navy she served in Admiral David Beatty's First Battlecruiser Squadron. Tiger is considered by many warship enthusiasts to be the most aesthetically-pleasing warship of the 20th century. Submitted by The Virtual Navy
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    VN_HMS_LION 2024-05-06

    Lion Class battlecruisers from WW1. Submitted by The Virtual Navy
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    WW1 1915 Missions and Campaign 2024-05-04

    Seven WW1 missions or campaign set in 1915 France. All aircraft and scenery required included.