First, let me leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that the expression “a little knowledge can be dangerous” certainly applies to me when it comes to computer technology. In my past work life as a communications engineer, the applications I used were of primary interest and importance…the pc was just a tool that made them work and I’ve never had more than a very rudimentary knowledge of PC technology. And, I don’t stay very current with the technology until I have to investigate it for something like my recent upgrade.
So, I tend to rely on other people like my young technical friend whose family owns and operates a well known local computer chain and we upgraded my machine expressly for OFF.
I’m now running this configuration:
MSI P45 neo3 motherboard
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 Ghz
1065 Ballistix 2X1Gb (2 Gb of RAM)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260-216 SC
Zahlman cooler on mb, Intel Heat pipe 10cm fan, all in a server size case, lots of fans, blah, blah.
Samsung Syncmaster 2443BW 24 in. LCD
I’m running this system with the E8400 comfortably over clocked at 3.6 Ghz.
I configured for video using all the excellent info that is now on the OFF website for video set-up. What a time saver that is! Many thanks to all the contributors!
And, my sliders are set at 5-4-4-5-3 as I wanted to make all changes keeping my original settings so I could compare results…I can change them later if necessary.
Before the upgrade, my OFF P3 frame rates averaged from low 20 fps to mid 40 fps, dropping to the 'teens' often and even single digit slide shows in some cases.
Just a note that when I reinstalled CFS 3 and OFF after the upgrade I noticed that the sound in OFF would stutter at times and I soon had several CTD and a couple of blue screen/reboots as well. Uninstalling and reinstalling seemed to cure it all.
After the upgrade, WOW… frame rates have jumped to running an average of 60 to 80 fps and often exceeding 100 fps depending on the views and activity. I was delighted, but I’m cautious before hollering from the rooftops so I’ve tested and tested in QC. I discovered that the high frame rates came at a price. I was getting definite tearing and white flashes with quick TrackIR head movement that I hadn’t had before.
Research told me that “Vsync” and “Triple buffering” would likely solve the problem.
The single solution was to change my Vsync from off to “Forced On” and now my rates are capped at 60 fps on the high end but they also hold at that for just about all flight scenarios at least in QC and only occasionally drop a bit by a few frames. The video seems smoother than before as well. The scenery detail is excellent; in fact all the detail is excellent.
So, I’ve got to feel pretty happy with this configuration, but I’m also interested in hearing if others have had a similar experience with graphics in OFF P3.
And, I’m curious to hear whether others think that I should be content with this set-up or should I try something else that may improve frame rates and game functions even more...? My tech friend thinks that more than 2 Gb of this high speed RAM won’t really help much but then we don’t know for sure.
Comments, suggestions?
So, I tend to rely on other people like my young technical friend whose family owns and operates a well known local computer chain and we upgraded my machine expressly for OFF.
I’m now running this configuration:
MSI P45 neo3 motherboard
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 Ghz
1065 Ballistix 2X1Gb (2 Gb of RAM)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260-216 SC
Zahlman cooler on mb, Intel Heat pipe 10cm fan, all in a server size case, lots of fans, blah, blah.
Samsung Syncmaster 2443BW 24 in. LCD
I’m running this system with the E8400 comfortably over clocked at 3.6 Ghz.
I configured for video using all the excellent info that is now on the OFF website for video set-up. What a time saver that is! Many thanks to all the contributors!
And, my sliders are set at 5-4-4-5-3 as I wanted to make all changes keeping my original settings so I could compare results…I can change them later if necessary.
Before the upgrade, my OFF P3 frame rates averaged from low 20 fps to mid 40 fps, dropping to the 'teens' often and even single digit slide shows in some cases.
Just a note that when I reinstalled CFS 3 and OFF after the upgrade I noticed that the sound in OFF would stutter at times and I soon had several CTD and a couple of blue screen/reboots as well. Uninstalling and reinstalling seemed to cure it all.
After the upgrade, WOW… frame rates have jumped to running an average of 60 to 80 fps and often exceeding 100 fps depending on the views and activity. I was delighted, but I’m cautious before hollering from the rooftops so I’ve tested and tested in QC. I discovered that the high frame rates came at a price. I was getting definite tearing and white flashes with quick TrackIR head movement that I hadn’t had before.
Research told me that “Vsync” and “Triple buffering” would likely solve the problem.
The single solution was to change my Vsync from off to “Forced On” and now my rates are capped at 60 fps on the high end but they also hold at that for just about all flight scenarios at least in QC and only occasionally drop a bit by a few frames. The video seems smoother than before as well. The scenery detail is excellent; in fact all the detail is excellent.
So, I’ve got to feel pretty happy with this configuration, but I’m also interested in hearing if others have had a similar experience with graphics in OFF P3.
And, I’m curious to hear whether others think that I should be content with this set-up or should I try something else that may improve frame rates and game functions even more...? My tech friend thinks that more than 2 Gb of this high speed RAM won’t really help much but then we don’t know for sure.
Comments, suggestions?