10 Years And Still Going Strong!


Staff member
On July 29, 2003, Microsoft released Flight Simulator 2004. I've owned it since release and it's still my main sim.
I still do all my major flight excursions with FS9. Since December of 2004, it's been on 3 different machines, and just keeps getting better and better.

Ten years...


I'm old.

Fortunately not as old as you guys*, but still...


On to the next ten!

* ;>
November 2003 here, and like BB686 this is the 3rd machine it's been installed on. (The other 2 have been retired!)
I'm on my second with it. The first was one that I had custom built for CFS 3 that never did run that sim right but when FS9 came out, it ran it with no problem. I retired that one about a year and a half ago

How many here have the tin box that FS9 originally came in? I've got it and the diecast Wright Flyer that came with it. I keep my FS9 CDs and payware CDs in that box.
Still have my original install running as well. Got the tin box too!
I've still got the tin box too, but I'm afraid that I've re-installed it a couple of times.

I'm still flying CFS 2 also and it'll be 13 years old come the Thanksgiving holiday.
I guess I lied when I said I had my "original install" still running. That isn't true. I've re-installed it several times, every time my old FS computer blows up and I have to buy a new one. But it's the original CD, which is what I meant to say. I only ever bought one, unlike my collection of FSX CDs: "Gold", "Extended", "Standard", "Accelerated", "Deluxe", "Uber", who can keep track? :icon_lol:
Yep, I still have the tin box and die-cast model that came with it that Donna bought me for my birthday when FS2004 came out.
I did my first FS9 install sometime in the fall of '03 on a new P4 driven mpc. Now on a semi custom re-built (two previous minor/major overhauls) Dell XPS with an i5. Still have my original "Tin Box" and discs. Everything runs great. Still having FUN!!
No tin box here. Probably too late for that since I bought my FS2004 in January 2004 (that's when I started fightsimming; I had a little bit of real world soaring experience). FS2004 is living on on its second PC now since two years, the old one having given up the ghost.

In fact I installed three versions of FS2004 on this computer: CalClassic scenery (my absolute favorite), Golden Wings 3 and FS2004 (scenery around 2003 incl. Ultimate Terrain USA, Canada/Alaska, Europe and RealNZ scenery, plus various add-on of course).

No plans to go FSX despite MJ's beautiful goodies, though one never knows.

I'm not sure if the tin box was even available over here, Maarten. I bought Fs9 twice, after CD4 from my first box became too worn to use.
Fs9 has been on my computer until my last computer upgrade in June, now it's only FsX. But as there are still some aircraft not available for that sim I might reinstall Fs9 when I really want to fly those older aircraft.
It's been an amazing piece of software. Think about the volumes of digital information, patched together to give a rendering of nothing less than the entire earth and its climates, plus airports and aircraft. I don't know if it was a deliberate move but the fact that people can create and add all sorts of things to enrich the game to me has been it's strongest advantage.
In fact I installed three versions of FS2004 on this computer: CalClassic scenery (my absolute favorite), Golden Wings 3 and FS2004 (scenery around 2003 incl. Ultimate Terrain USA, Canada/Alaska, Europe and RealNZ scenery, plus various add-on of course).

That is one area where FS9 still has the edge over FSX, the fact you can have multiple installs; if I'm flying a Britannia C1 from Lyneham to Singapore I don't really want a Boeing 757 taxiing past me at Luqa. And that is one reason it will be the primary flightsim on my computer for a very long time to come!