10 Years And Still Going Strong!

I have the tin box, but I never got the die-cast model. I'm getting ready to order a new laptop, so I'm hoping to get back in the air on a regular basis before too long.
The Longest flight

I bought FS9 in 2004. I was hooked by a flight in a JN-4. Back then the HP I had gave me a FPS rate of 5-25. Pretty soon I had an enormous folder of freeware planes a box full of payware disks. I modified planes, added gas tanks, played with panels. and have reams of printouts of FS9 AC files. I flew across country in a Stearman. Flew the Atlantic in the SoSL with a sheep stowaway:sheep: (this very sheep). Took a Ford Trimotor over the Andes or rather through a maze of passes. Did the same with a Breuguet mail plane. Flew the eastern half of the US Mail in a modified (bigger gas tank) DH-4. Installed Golden Wings. Bought USA roads to help VFR flying. Bought a Throttle Quadrent, Pro Peddals, and maybe wore out my Sidewinder.

I've spent more time with this sim than any other except maybe the old Dynamix Red Baron.

They brought out X, and I thought, "without the old planes from the twenties and thirties what good is it?" Besides my frame rate is now 35-60 per second.

Still need to fly Black Magic to Autralia or maybe round the world.:cost1:


Beware the Stork!
Or fly our Douglas DC2 to Astralia. (I never did it, yet.....)

I wanted to fly to Australia in a DC2 since FS98.
Since there was no DC2 I used a DC3 panel...
Sincce there was no default scenery, I started collecting great freeware along the route.

Then, in 1999, the Uiver DC2 came to holland, to stay at the Aviodome musem. I decided to ask permission to photograph the interior.
The rest is history.
First a freeware DC2 panel with custom gauges, combined with an freeware exterior DC2 model that was around.
Then, with help from a great team:ernae::salute:, a full fletched FS9 model, with all bells and whistles for that platform.
And then further developement into a native FSX model, with even more functionality (due to more programming possibilities) and 3D animated gauges.
I'm proud of all we achieved, and also proud of the money we raised to help keep the Avoidrome DC2 in airworthy condition.

Ah, the memories..... ;-)

Maybe, sometime, I will make that flight to Australia in FS.
Somehow that desire became the tool to do other stuff with FS.

Cheers, Rob Cappers
"UIVER" Team
I still have two Fs9 installs. Silver wings with a lot of Calclassic stuff and a Golden Wings install with a lot of WWII install.

The main reasons for me to fly in FS9 are the available aircraft and the fact that I'm a sentimental old fool who loves the past :icon_lol:

Wow, ten years...and I still can't land on the runway 70% of the time. More like 85% to be honest.

But what an amazing piece of software FS9 is.

Three cheers to the coders , modellers and paint throwers who have created this world for us all:applause::applause::applause:

Still Kicking

Went and looked: My, how time flys (pun intended) when you are having fun... . And it came in a tin box-but no metal toy (I guess I got riped off?). So, on average, I buy a BETTER (New) PC every 4 years. Have XP. Never had Vista, Win7 or Win8. I also have FSX Regular installed since Nov 4, 2008, but P4 gave low frames. Until i7 2600K-now FSX Accelleration (!) is smooth 30 fps (locked) and FS9 can get 60 fps maxed out. Life is good.

FS2004, ACOF:
Bought : Oct 22, 2003: eMachines, Celeron 2.5 Ghz.

Installed on New OS (XP): Dec 3, 2003: eMachines Celeron 2.5 Ghz.

Installed on New HDrive (80 Gb): Feb 12, 2004: eMachines Celeron 2.5 Ghz.

Install on New PC ( XP): May 3, 2006: Pentium 4, 3.2 Ghz.

Install on New HDrive (160 Gb): VIRUS: Dec 22, 2007: P4, 3.2 Ghz.

Install on New HDrive (250 Gb): Mar 23, 2011: P4, 3.2 Ghz.

Install on (Completely) New PC (XP): Dec 23, 2011: i7 2600K, 3.4 Ghz.

Install New: Format HDrive: Jan 28, 2012: i7 2600K, 3.4 Ghz.

Install New HDrive (1 Tb): April 8, 2013: i7 2600K, 3.4 Ghz.

Chuck B

I seem to remember you?
Give he a trail dragging biplane an I'll figure out how to put it down. The Spirit of Saint Louis, I managed to figure out. In that case the take off was the nightmare. Sheep dung everywhere:sheep:.

I can land the JN4 on a postage stamp airfield and once posted pictures of me doing it because of a dare.

The Just Flight Vulcan made me crazy. I kept stalling it. The box still sits there on the shelf mocking me.

I learned how to takeoff from St. Johns in an overloaded Vimy and flying between trees got out of that bowl of a field.

There is a beautiful Antoinette with which I crossed the channel. I replicated the Bleriot flight.

I flew a Spad under the Brookland Bridge on another dare. Took two tries. First time I pulled my tail off! I believe that pretty Spad 7 had a STORK on it.


Beware the Stork!