10 Years on. Your personal favourites?

Another set:

Bookmark Saab 35 Draken (still available).
Cloud9 Phantom.
SSW F-104 Starfighter for FS9 (yes, there is one).
Skysim Sea Vixen.
Coral F-15C/D/J/DJ.

- Milton's Stoofs - both with and without a roof!
- AlphaSim/Virtavia F-4s (now freeware)
- Virtavia A-6
- Razbam A-4
- Manfred Jahn C-47
- WarbirdSim P-51B/C

Several more but these are the ones flown most in 2013.

Happy New Year, Y'all!
There have been so many! Apart from Milton & co's always topnotch product:


  1. All of Dave Maltby's airliners. I'll count them as one.
  2. The Team 1049 Constellation set. Magnificent, and they keep improving.
  3. The Project Tupolev Tu-154M. Better than most payware planes, plus the added challenge of working in an unfamiliar language.
  4. AFG's Caravelles, complemented by Benoit Gaurant's lovely panels.
  5. Anything Peter McKay has done a panel for. Mike Stone's F.27, Lucariny's Electra, Rick Piper's Viscounts, his and Gary Russell's CL-44...
  6. MVG's Fiat G.12. Absolutely magnificent, and a joy to fly.
  7. Project Fokker's F28-F70/100s.

  1. PMDG MD-11. Truly awe-inspiring.
  2. PSS Concorde.
  3. Captain Sim C-130.
  4. Alphasim/Virtavia B-58 Hustler. Crossing the threshold at 200+ knots is always a thrill.
  5. Level D 767.
Honourable mention for overall excellence goes to CalClassics and Historic Jetliners, for consistently excellent products and links.
Ten years?! Wow

No particular order;

  • Kirk Olssen's F-16 family
  • Most of Iris' late FS 2004 stuff (T-6 primarily - there was one for sale for FS 2004)
  • Tim Conrad's OV-10 family
  • Dino Cattaneo's Tomcat (now if someone can just point me to the most up-to-date version
  • FS KBT Super Hornet
  • Military AI works (not a plane but how can you fly this much military hardware without playmates?)

There are gobs more but This is what first comes to mind.
for me, in no particular order....
-Kirk Olssons F-16's
-Just Flight Vulcan
-ALL of Miltons fleet!
-Dave Garwood Hunters
-Sea Fury
-Tempest (Napier Sabred one)

and many, many, many others.....
For me :

- All Milton Shupe aircrafts
- Constellation collection M Jahn team
- DC6 G Pepper T Gibson
- DC3 Airways collection
- Restauravia MB152 (French warbird)
- Alpha Bleu Ciel Corsair
- SF86 Sabre
- C150 Fravin
- Icaro EC135 chopper

-Carenado C337
-Carenado C172N
- Alouette II chopper P Salzgeber

And of course ...many others !
