1931 Davis D-1-W gets new skin

That repaint is superb looking....priming the download module :D
The panel mod is also quite a nice addition.

The Davis is definitely one of my favourites as well; something about parasol monoplanes just lends themselves to relaxed flying on perfect spring, summer or autumn days. There's a website dedicated to the aircraft that's an interesting read and has blueprints of the plane available as well. If I ever win the lottery, I'd be sorely tempted to have one built for me with either a Warner Scarab or Kinner engine :)


Looking forward to a paintkit for this great little machine as well BTW
1931 Davis

Once I get the prop blur dialed in, make some final adjustments to the fabric work on the wings and fuselage...I will package this paint up, along with the tweaks to the panel config, and get it uploaded to flightsim.com.



What is the status of your reworked '31 Davis?
Anxioius to give her a spin. If you need another beta tester
I'm game.
